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Tomson's'Melanis Guide

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An  Encyclopedia to Melanis Monsters(Still being updated on how to farm every monsters in Melanis)

Melanis Side Quest:-

1)Chat with Yousef until he says something like this.




2)Behind the safe zones of Mirror shard dropping mob hides the Scientist at 326,312 in the trees speak to him and get him back to the camp.



3.)After Reaching back to the camp the scientist will tell you thank you for rescuing him and his name is Markal.


4.)He will ask you to introduce yourself to everyone in the camp.





5.)After your done finally speak to Markal,Now you have completed the Melanis quest you can enchant animal enchantment,Socket enchant,Use Healer and all other Npcs in Melanis.



1.)What are we farming?



   2.)Where to farm?


   3.)What is Melanis?


  4.)How to go to Melanis?

  1)Go Geffen.


  2)Go to 29 119.


  3)Go Outside the warp at 29 119.


  4)Go to 22 191.


  5)Go to 357 187.


  6)Go to 70, 341.


 7.) Enter the Melanis portal at 70 341.

  5.)What to do after entering Melanis?

  1)Speak to Yousef for 2 Traverser stones(It allows you to stay in Melanis for 2hours,If you not don't take the stones you will be warped out in 10mins)


2)Speak to Guards or if your Lazy just Jump over the Gate.


3)Minx can be found at the Center of the Map.


Class Description:2283.gif

I Believe that in my opinion Assassin Crooss are An elite group of Assassins. The Assassin Cross utilizes stealth and confusion in order to land the perfect killing blow. The Assassin Cross has a huge repertoire of lethal arts including ultimate mastery of poison-use, better than the original Assassin. With these new skills, the Assassin Cross now has a wide choice of brutal methods to overcome opponents. All without ever leaving the shadows...






1309.gifStats Required:(Max Stats) 1309.gif


1309.gifEquipments Required:1309.gif

Drooping Amistr(Obtainable by Quest https://wiki.ragnarevival.com/wiki/Drooping_Amistr_Quest link here)


Trident with 2x Gemini -S58,Orc Hero,Marduk.


Red Necktie with Evil Snake Lord Card.


Great Demon's Robe with Gloom Under Night Card


10+Ranked VVVSH Sword.


10+Perun Axe with Sniper card(premium) and 2 Aunoes. 


10+Heroic Backpack with Anunaki Card.


Footgear Antique with General Egnigem Card.

qfo8qfv.gifEffect:Max Hp at 10%,Speed rate at 15%,No Knock back,After-Cast delay at 5%.

2x Recondite Ring with Ifrit card on each.


1309.gifEquipment Screenshots:1309.gif




1309.gifAbout the Monster:1309.gif


1309.gifHow To Farm/Farming Demonstration:1309.gif


1309.gifTips to Remember:1309.gif

           1)Use Enchant Deadly Poison.

           2)Use Cursed Water.

           3)Spam Treasureberry or Ygg berry when about to die.

           4)Use Sniper card.

           5)Get Weapon perfection Buff.

          6)Go Critical attack.

          7)Use Anti-Knock Back.

1309.gifMonster Drops:(Drops goes into the Treasure Chest):1309.gif







              zW02hMh.gifObtained from Summer Carnival


              zezmqPx.gifObtained from Rdc

              mCpQfjV.gifBought from Players

              mH8EUIC.gifBuy From Item Shop

              j13w6bk.gifObtained from Summer Carnival.

              kbjBhQs.gifDropped from Cedi or Buy from players.

              31Y519z.gifBuy from players or farm from HOA.

              OjvW1l6.gifFarm them from False Angel.

1309.gif Video:1309.gif


Chevalier of Void1219.gif

1.)What are we farming?

   Chevalier of Void


   2.)Where to farm?


   3.)What is Melanis?


  4.)How to go to Melanis?

  1)Go Geffen.


  2)Go to 29 119.


  3)Go Outside the warp at 29 119.


  4)Go to 22 191.


  5)Go to 357 187.


  6)Go to 70, 341.


 7.) Enter the Melanis portal at 70 341.

  5.)What to do after entering Melanis?

  1)Speak to Yousef for 2 Traverser stones(It allows you to stay in Melanis for 2hours,If you not don't take the stones you will be warped out in 10mins)


2)Speak to Guards or if your Lazy just Jump over the Gate.


3)Stand At 29,290 and spam Leap it will take you directly to the Chevalier of Void.


Class Description:2283.gif

Star Gladiator is an unusual class in that the majority of their skills are bound to the celestial bodies of the Sun, Moon and Stars, and are very restricted in their use. These skills have three different restrictions in which they can be used, and are as follows:

Certain skills can only be used on a day of their respective celestial body
Some skills can only be used on maps that are designated as a place of a celestial body
Other skills can only be used against enemies that are aligned as an enemy of a celestial body
The first restriction is unlike the latter two in that a Star Gladiator cannot change what day is representative of a celestial body; these days are already set. The setting for these celestial days is told in the mantra as follows:

The Sun shines brightest on even days.
The Moon shines brightest on odd days.
And the Stars shine without fail on every 5th day.

The second and third restriction can be set personally for each individual Star Gladiator via their respective skills: Feeling of the Sun, Moon and Stars and Hatred of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. However, there are also skills that are also bound by more than one restriction.




G e i,Tommy,Tomson.



1309.gifStats Required:(Max Stats) 1309.gif


1309.gifEquipments Required:1309.gif

Drooping Amistr(Obtainable by Quest https://wiki.ragnarevival.com/wiki/Drooping_Amistr_Quest link here)


Fabled Sword with 2x Gemini -S58,Orc Hero,Marduk.


Red Necktie with Maya Purple Card


Great Demon's Robe with Gloom Under Night Card


10+Testament with Dracula,Thanatos,Phreeoni Cards.


10+Thanatos Book with Phreeoni,Abysmal Knight Card.

X2Min4L.gifBetter than Testament since you don't have to use Thanatos and Dracula.

Shield Antique with Alice Card

5szWpm2.gifEffect:Boss resist at 10%,Near-attack resist at 6%,Long-range resist 6%.

Garment Antique with Deviling Card

3o7lT3B.gifEffect:Neutral Resist at 10%,Critical Defence at 40%,Max Hp 10%,Sp rate at -7%.

Footgear Antique with General Egnigem Card

qfo8qfv.gifEffect:Max Hp at 10%,Speed rate at 15%,No Knock back,After-Cast delay at 5%.


2x Megingjard(Can be bought from Cash shop for 1000 Premium points)


1309.gifEquipment Screenshots:1309.gif




1309.gifAbout the Monster:1309.gif


1309.gifHow To Farm/Farming Demonstration:1309.gif


1309.gifTips to Remember:1309.gif

           1)Set Hatred on Monster.

           2)Spam Tornado Kick while in Tornado Kick Stance.

           3)Spam Stellar Heat.

           4)Set Warmth Wind to Holy.

           5)Set Feelings on the Map.

          6)Use Thanatos card.(Chevalier of void is Thana-Bait)

          7)Invite people or alts to your party.(More people in your party more the damage that you do.

          8)Get weapon Perfection buff from Whitesmith.

          9)Higher the Mob Chain better loots,Max Mob Chain is 5,Mob Chain breaks when disbanding party.

          10)Use Anti-Knock Back.

          11)Have 600+Hit or you will miss.

1309.gifMonster Drops:(Drops goes into the Treasure Chest):1309.gif

               q6CCdHV.gifMarket Value 40-45c




               L2j9WCp.gifUsed as Speed Pots


              zW02hMh.gifObtained from Summer Carnival


              zezmqPx.gifObtained from Rdc

              mCpQfjV.gifBought from Players

              mH8EUIC.gifBuy From Item Shop

              j13w6bk.gifObtained from Summer Carnival.

1309.gifProof that you can really farm a AR using my guide:-1309.gif


 1309.gifItems Required to Enchant AR into 10+Tidal Shoes:-1309.gif(Before you Enchant do the Melanis Quest)

 1309.gifMarket Value Proof:-1309.gif



1309.gifCorrupted Magician:-  1309.gifCorrupted Magician.gif

 1309.gifAbout the Monster:- 1309.gif

Corrupted Magician ID: 3969   On Maps: Elements:
HP: 55,210,000 Corrupted Magician.gif Melanis Neutral 100%
Level: 255 Water 150%
Race: Demon Earth 50%
Property: Undead (Lv4) Fire 200%
Size: Large Base Experience: 1,219,200 Wind 100%
Attack: 1,205~3,590 Job Experience: 515,200 Poison -100%
Defence: 42 Str 12 Int 455 Holy 200%
Magic Def: 82 Agi 255 Dex 1,300 Shadow -100%
Range: 1~16~20 Vit 14 Luk 1 Ghost 175%
Drops: Undead 0%

1309.gif Monster Sprite:- 1309.gif
 Corrupted Magician.gif
1309.gif Equipments and Stats:- 1309.gif
Drooping Amistr(Obtainable by Quest https://wiki.ragnarevival.com/wiki/Drooping_Amistr_Quest link here)
Trident with 2x Gemini -S58,Orc Hero,Marduk.
Red Necktie with Evil Snake Lord Card.
Variegated Vest with Detale Card for land protector to avoid storm gust and meteor storm from CM.
10+Ranked VVVSH Sword.
10+Perun Axe with2Sniper card(premium) and 1 Valkyrie Randgris Card(To dispell all spells it casts and sniper to leech hp)
10+Heroic Backpack with Anunaki Card.
Footgear Antique with General Egnigem Card.(Monster Cast Wide Soul Drain so you need Hp for backsliding)
Effect:Max Hp at 10%,Speed rate at 15%,No Knock back,After-Cast delay at 5%.
2x Recondite Ring with Ifrit card on each Double 5% and Random 5% and str orbs.
 Farming Demonstration:- 
 1309.gifTips to Remember:- 1309.gif
1)Don't ever die if you do you cant be revived for next 4mins the Monster casts hell power:
2)Trying to be Smart and trying to cast a ygg leaf on the Monster wont work.
3)You need detale card to cast LP on you to avoid ailments like freeze and also to avoid Storm gust and Meteor storm.
4)Spam Ygg berries when your hp is out the monster use Wide soul drain.
5.)Use Anti Knock back and Anti Freeze.
6.)Use Holy or Fire Vert.
1309.gif Monster Drops:- 1309.gif
 Woah....this gonna be op and expensive since there are not many Hwc users and its gonna ignore MDEF of holy type Monsters Rip Sacred Nappy and   Sacramental Water Users.
 Somewhat useful for trolling and gunslinger and its unlimited.
 This rod is nerfed and pretty useless now.
 An item use to Enchant Kronos into 3slot so you can put forbidden scroll into it.

1309.gifLast Rites:-1309.gifLast Rites.gif

1309.gifAbout the Monster:-1309.gif


Last Rites ID: 3970   On Maps: Elements:
HP: 62,978,000 Last Rites.gif Melanis Neutral 100%
Level: 255 Water 150%
Race: Undead Earth 50%
Property: Undead (Lv4) Fire 200%
Size: Large Base Experience: 1,219,200 Wind 100%
Attack: 4,250~6,790 Job Experience: 515,200 Poison -100%
Defence: 25 Str 26 Int 505 Holy 200%
Magic Def: 86 Agi 242 Dex 1,300 Shadow -100%
Range: 1~14~20 Vit 8 Luk 1 Ghost 175%
Drops: Undead 0%


1309.gifMonster Sprite:-1309.gif


Last Rites.gif

1309.gifFarming Demonstration:-1309.gif


1309.gifTips to Remember:-1309.gif

1)Use fire or holy vert.

2)Use weapon perfection.

3)Use Detale cards to prevent Heaven Drive.

4.)Use Earth Resistance.


Drooping Amistr(Obtainable by Quest https://wiki.ragnarevival.com/wiki/Drooping_Amistr_Quest link here)

Trident with 2x Giearth Orc Hero,Marduk.

Red Necktie with Evil Snake Lord Card.

Earth Armor with Gloom Card.

10+Ranked VVVSH Sword.

10+Perun Axe with 2Sniper card(premium) and Aunoe.

10+Heroic Backpack with Hode Card.(For earth resist)

Footgear Antique with General Egnigem Card.

Effect:Max Hp at 10%,Speed rate at 15%,No Knock back,After-Cast delay at 5%.

2x Recondite Ring with Ifrit card on each Double 5% and Random 5% and str orbs.

1309.gifMonster Drops:-1309.gif



1309.gifUnholy Marksman:-1309.gifUnholy Marksman.gif

1309.gifAbout the Monster:-1309.gif


Unholy Marksman ID: 3971   On Maps: Elements:
HP: 46,573,000 Unholy Marksman.gif Melanis Neutral 100%
Level: 255 Water 25%
Race: Demon Earth 25%
Property: Shadow (Lv4) Fire 25%
Size: Medium Base Experience: 1,219,200 Wind 25%
Attack: 5,150~6,925 Job Experience: 515,200 Poison -25%
Defence: 79 Str 39 Int 205 Holy 200%
Magic Def: 61 Agi 355 Dex 1,650 Shadow -100%
Range: 12~16~20 Vit 42 Luk 205 Ghost 0%
Drops: Undead 0%

1309.gifFarming Demonstration:-1309.gif


1309.gifTips to Remember:-1309.gif

1)Use holy vert.

2)Gather all Monsters at one place and desperado them.

3)Tank should be 100% Neutral resist with Bathory card in armor.

4)Let the monsters concentrate on your tank.

1309.gifEquipments for Gunslinger:-1309.gif


1309.gifEquipments for Tank:-1309.gif


1309.gifMonster Drops:-1309.gif





1309.gifHow to Summon Melanis MVP:-1309.gif

1.)Find a Defractor,There are 3 of them inside Melanis.

2.)Trade your light to it,The type of MVP Depends on the light that you traded to the defractor.

3.)Lights can be obtained by killing few monsters inside melanis,Light has a very low chance to drop.


4.)And Boom there you go.


Edited by Tomson
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Guest Crystalline

Hello @Tomson

Please rename your guide to a more specific title that targets the topic of this guide.

People who looks for melanis farming guides will NOT look for "the book of tomson" for it can be very misleading and it almost cost this guide to get disqualified with its improper title.

Looking forward for a fast title change~ 

Have a nice day~

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Can Snipers farm here too?

Also can you post alternatives to some of the gears you showed us, coz I feel like some of them are a little too hard to get hahaha

Great guide tho, really detailed! I especially like that you included the monster's stats, that way I know what arrow to use!

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12 hours ago, Neyoke said:

Can Snipers farm here too?

Also can you post alternatives to some of the gears you showed us, coz I feel like some of them are a little too hard to get hahaha

Great guide tho, really detailed! I especially like that you included the monster's stats, that way I know what arrow to use!

Impossible for snipers to farm here cause you need AoE damage,Yes very soon I will post alternatives once my guide is completed and thank you😊

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