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GM Applications September 2020

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Greetings Everyone!

Once again we're opening the door for new GM Applications! We are currently understaffed and looking for active people to be one of our RevivalRO family members, slaves staff. Although the positions that we are looking for are currently volunteer based, we will require anyone selected to have a considerable amount of time dedicated to the position given to them. Please keep that in mind during all the stages of the application process, make sure that you are willing, and that you will be able to commit to a position before applying for one. Also know that applying to become a GM does NOT guarantee that you will be selected.
Asking any staff member for assistance when answering any of the questions on your application WILL result in disqualification. Follow all of the instructions when applying, details are important. Do not skip steps or cut corners, we will overlook your application as a result.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Do I need to be 18 years of age or older to apply?

  • No, however -- being 13+ would certainly help your case (COPPA, and all). We care about mental maturity more than we do about physical maturity. Also, the fact that you are allegedly over 13 when you agreed to play this game.

How many hours do I need to work?!

  • Ideally we expect you to be around at least 2 continuous hours per day, but it can be flexible. The requirement here is that you can be relied upon when needed. This is NOT just a "do it when I feel like it" thing. By applying to be a GM, you are saying that you are willing to ACTIVELY make time in your day to meet various GM-related responsibilities for as long as foreseeably possible. List your availability based on your regular life--not on your breaks or vacation days or anything else. Moreover, if you don't have the time or will to dedicate to a position, then it's better not to apply.

What is availability, and how do I fill it out?

  • Essentially, it is the amount of time per day/week that you'd be willing to devote to GMing. Just because you're free, that doesn't mean you'll be GMing automatically. You should also take into account things like traveling time, meals, study time, family or social time, etc. You need to be realistic over long term with this, because if you put you are available to GM 80 hours a week, we'll be assuming that you're full of shit.

Does GMing get me chicks/dudes? Does it make me popular?

  • If only. Most of the things that would actively get you chicks/dudes are forbidden--as in, we have rules against giving out free stuff and haxing stats and whatnot, so if you're going to apply just for the attention/chicks/dudes--don't bother. It is also forbidden to reveal confidential information regarding anything discussed as a GM.

Do I have to stop playing my current character/account?

  • At the moment, no. However, if you get accepted as a GM candidate, most likely your time on your legit will plummet. You will have to distance yourself from your friends or guild a least a little. GMing always comes before regular playing, no matter how hard you want to WoE at the time. Thus, if you are extremely active in your guild/with your friends and are unwilling to put that second in your RO life, you should not apply. However, if we find your performance as a GM unsatisfactory, especially because of your legit or if our rules change, we do reserve the right to either suspend your legit until your quality of conduct improves, or simply remove you from the team. Also since this is said, being a GM means you can't be a leader, or in a lead position in any WoE Guilds.

How much time do I need in order to properly GM?

  • If you're logged into RO in any capacity, you are expected to be ready to GM. It's pretty hard to say because of that, since some days are busier than others. But basically, consider it similar to being a receptionist. After you finish your basic duties and paper work, you can be at the desk doing whatever, but as soon as someone steps foot inside the building, you need to attend to them. Whether you consider your idle time as GMing time is up to you. We're not going to give a concrete requirement because that varies widely with the job, and we try our best to be flexible.

Should I embellish my application, leave out critical information, or essentially lie in order to be selected?

  • No. We've been doing these applications long enough to tell when someone is lying about what their hours are, how dedicated they can be, etc. The best thing to do is to just be honest--but still professional. Seriously, anytime someone says something like "My only weakness is that I work too hard!" we roll our eyes hard enough that they're in danger of popping out of our heads.

Are there any other requirements to be a GM that I may be unaware of?

  • Aside from certain secret special things we look for, you must be fluent in English and willing to type at least semi-properly, this is an English speaking server, so that is a MUST--it is also a must to successfully complete the application. Moreover, you should have a fairly clean slate. That is not to say that if you've ever been warned or banned, ever, we won't accept you, but having a history of being drama bait, being disrespectful, being inflammatory, or otherwise breaking rules will make us hesitate rather hard to hire you. It would also help if you knew RO, especially the gameplay of Loki.

How many positions are you looking to fill?

  • We generally hire as many people as we can that fit all required criteria. There really isn't a hard cap, if your application is solid and you ace through the interviews, we'll hire as many qualified people as we can.

I donated a lot of money to the server, that will automatically make me a GM right?

  • No. We don't care how much money you invested into your account--that has little to do with how good of a GM you could be.

How much will this position pay?

  • GMing is its own reward a volunteer position and we do not offer monetary compensation.

When will I be notified that I have been selected to be a GM?

  • If we choose to pick you as a candidate, you will know at the same time as all the other candidates. Do not use a fake/full/crappy email for this, because you will be out of luck.


Application Information:


To apply you can fill the form at https://forms.gle/bdNaBQ46QW8PjYWW7

The application deadline is September 14 2020, 11:55PM UTC + 8

Application Questions:

Any inquiries can be forwarded to the GMs or Admins through our support channels or message them directly through Discord.

Best regards & good luck to all the applicants!

RevivalRO Management Team.

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