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So few of you might wonder how to Autotrade , Its simple mahn if you have donated 1000c in your life time you can get @autotrade or @at command.

1.) First go to Vending Area Payon or Prontera.


2.) Don't use the command without opening a shop or else you will get a message like this.


3.) Firstly to vend something you need to add item to your cart after adding item to your cart click the 12th skill from the 1st Job section which is vending. Which will open up your shop, Drag the item from the cart then place it for a price there will be a certain commission for each time and the max amount of zeny that you can vend is  for1000,000,000 zeny.

Once your done setting up the Shop click "Ok" go to your chat then type @autotrade or @at if your have donated 1000c in your life time in that account.


4.) After Done a message like this will popout which means you have been logged out but your still in game vending.

After someone has purchased your Item you will be logged out and your character will no longer be online unless it has something else to vend.


5.) You can also buy Autotrade Coupon for 50pp from cash shop recovery tab.



6.) To use this pm NPC:Autotrade as mentioned below.


7.) You can either vend for 1 Autotrade Coupon or 5mill zeny which is disabled for now as stated by Admin.

Choose these options mentioned below.





8.) Make sure you have all requirements when choose your options or else you can't autotrade.


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