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[2019-03-29] Maintenance (Internal code update part 3) Important notice about andRO, new cash shop sets and double donor box promotion

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Greetings Everyone,

During this maintenance we've done an internal code update, our emulator software was not updated since 2016 as previous staff never bothered to update the software, we've also done a fixes for issues was introduced by our previous internal code update.

Cash shop

  • We've introduced the new magic set (Magitech set) and new melee set (Royal set), unlocking new 3rd job skills
  • Also there's a new promotion double donor box until 1st of April 23:59 server time


  • No new fixes was introduced during this internal code update

Issues we're aware of

  • We're aware of visual party screen issues, as it's not a game breaking this will be fixed during our 4th and final internal code update

Deprecation and removal of andRO

  • We've tried to contact the developer of andRO to provide us update for the client, however he did not respond in 2 weeks, the next maintenance we will be releasing a new client update which will break the connectivity of andRO
  • We understand that we have players who uses andRO mainly however for the progression of RevivalRO we may have to end up dropping andRO.
  • Currently andRO is holding us from installing a protection against bot, updating client (which soon will introduce around over 30 new features), out of those new features a lot of it will help us provide new content in loki, in other words the future of loki will really depend on having a new client, we hope for your understandings.

What's new in after this maintenance?

currently nothing special for players, there's lot of internal bugs which was fixed and you will probably notice it while playing.

What's the point of this maintenance then?

we're updating the emulator code to access many new features, including newer clients, support of new Ragnarok features, new items etc, we cannot wait any longer to have access to those for releasing a new content using those awesome systems especially item options system! (Google it if you're that curious)

How are we supposed to do to help?

any major code updates would always introduced weird bugs and hidden flaws, please report anything that seems odd or off since the new maintenance.

How many maintenance left until this update is finished? (referring to Part 1)

We're expecting to finish it in 3 parts (3 maintenance) 4 parts (4 maintenance).

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