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Posts posted by Verryn

  1. I found a fairly huge issue with The Sign quest. The time frames for completion of certain parts are NOT friendly for NA players. I get that the server is catering more toward SEA players. It would be really nice to expand the time frames (or even remove them) so that NA players can finish the quest too. If it's impossible to do, would it be possible to get GM assistance to complete and move forward with the quest for NA players? The 2h time frame is really killer to try to fit in for NA players.

    Another thing.. The dance portion.. I think if it's possible, the time between moves or move sets should be lengthened. I had to get my nephew to complete it for me. I think I was unable to do it for two reasons, both of which can easily apply to others. The first, lag. I'm from Canada and regularly experience lag. It isn't unplayable but it does make certain things difficult. Second, I'm disabled (legally disabled). Rheumatoid arthritis. My hands don't work well half the time. I don't know if anyone has tried it on mobile yet, but I imagine that it could be a problem for mobile players too. I know it can be tricky for players who are well and don't have lag. I did it on officials years ago. Please consider it.

  2. 18 hours ago, KittyBoy said:

    In light of recent discussions in public, we would also like to formally ask our players how they feel about the MVP rooms. We have noticed a recent increase in concerns regarding the four new MVP rooms and would like to know how we could improve them. Some players have outwardly suggested that the rooms be removed. If this is an attitude that most player reflect (or any suggestions regarding the MVP rooms), we would like for it to be voiced to us so we can make the appropriate adjustments.

    Kind regards,

    RevivalRO Management


    I'm a returning player. I haven't played for years. I may as well be a new player. That said... The server is very much pay to win. Keep in mind, this is from a new player point of view. Established players do not want to party with newbies. I've been told flat out that my damage isn't good enough, I'm too weak. Others have too. Doing RDC and cedi is pretty much not an option until you have gear and can hold your own. There are only two avenues open to new players. Farm the MVP rooms or donate. The new stuff added is nice, but you still need gear to farm it. The newbie package gear is temporary.

    I think the MVP rooms need to stay and stay as-is. If anything, I think the MVP card drop rates need to be increased. Here's my reasoning...

    1. Those MVP rooms are the best possible way for new players to get decent gear.

    2. Removing them or changing them drastically will only widen the gulf between new players and established players.

    3. They're the only reliable money maker (aside from donating). Even so, it's a struggle to try to play catch up.

    4. The players that want them removed likely already have got what they want from them. The stuff they have probably does not sell well. Removing them would be the only way to force it. Again, widening the gulf between new and established players.

    Removing them at this point would do more harm than good. 


    I need advice badly. Actually, I think every new or returning (after years away) player can use some advice... I have a few 255 chars (SG and HW atm, 155 sniper). I'd like to start gearing them. The only advice people provide in-game is "make money" or "donate". The idea of doing nothing but farming the MVP room for weeks to buy gear does not appeal - at all. I'd love to donate but I'm very poor. It just isn't an option. I'd love to be able to do any of the custom dungeons. RDC and cedi sound like a decent way to get gear. I've been told that you can't really do either unless you already have gear though. So how exactly, does one get gear here? Is there a way that does not involve farming the MVP room over and over to make zeny? Is it really impossible to do anything without already having high end gear?

    I'm really not sure where to go from here. Any advice would be welcome. Including any gear I can try to farm, instances or custom dungeons, and what gears I should be going for. Also, which classes are commonly needed for cedi and RDC?

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