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Good day fellow players. Many players, especially newbies might have been asking where to farm/make zeny fast. This guide is for those who love to farm in MVP rooms and for those who want to get rich faster by farming in MVP rooms. What players may see mostly in this guide are the @alootid of certain items dropped by mobs in the MVP rooms. I have only chosen certain items that give high amount of zeny when sold to NPCs. There are also items in here which I did not place the prices because their value changes along with the demand of players as well as the supplies in the #trade market. Kindly read the NOTES which are all in uppercase letters as they serve a few reminders which might be helpful, if not to all, some players. Let's start! NOTE: NPC BUYING PRICE = IT MEANS HOW MUCH THE NPC WILL PAY YOU WHEN YOU SELL THE ITEM TO THEM. ALL PRICES ARE NOT YET WITH OVERCHARGE MARKUP WHEN SOLD TO NPC. THEY ARE THE REGULAR PRICE OF THE ITEMS WHEN SOLD TO NPC. ITEM DROPS BY MVPS THAT ARE AUTOMATICALLY PLACED IN INVENTORY ARE NOT INCLUDED @AUTOLOOT .20 IS SET FOR INSTANT CARD LOOT ALOOTIDS ARE FIT TO 10 ITEMS MAX. OPTIONAL ITEM ID's FOR LOOTING ARE ALSO PLACED. IT DEPENDS ON THE PLAYER'S DISCRETION NPC BUYING PRICE = IT MEANS HOW MUCH THE NPC WILL PAY YOU WHEN YOU SELL IT TO THEM. !!MVP ROOM ALPHA!! @alootid +616 OLD CARD ALBUM @alootid +7020 MOTHER'S NIGHTMARE @alootid +639 ARMLET OF OBEDIENCE 9K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +638 SILVER KNIFE OF CHASTITY 6K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +985 ELUNIUM @alootid +1258 KATAR OF RAGING BLAZE 22.5K NPC BUYING PRICE !!MVP ROOM BETA!! @alootid +617 OLD PURPLE BOX @alootid +985 ELUNIUM @alootid +2621 RING[1] 15K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2106 SHIELD[1] 28K NPC BUYING PRICE !!MVP ROOM THETA!! @alootid +1125 RING POMMEL SABER [3] 12K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +1127 SABER [3] 24.5K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +1128 HAEDONGGUM [2] 25K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +1162 BROADSWORD 32.5K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +1411 LANCE 30K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +7108 PIECE OF SHIELD @alootid +2317 FULL PLATE [1] 40K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +617 OLD PURPLE BOX @alootid +984 ORIDECON @alootid +985 ELUNIUM OTHER THINGS TO LOOT: @alootid +1255 JAMADHAR 18.6K NPC BUYING PRICE !!MVP ROOM EPSILON!! @alootid +607 YGG BERRY @alootid +999 STEEL @alootid +984 ORIDECON @alootid +985 ELUNIUM @alootid +714 EMPERIUM (WITH ARROW CRAFTING YIELDS 600 IMMATERIAL ARROW, 600 ORIDECON ARROW, AND 600 MUTE ARROW = 12600 NPC BUYING PRICE) @alootid +526 ROYAL JELLY @alootid +13303 HUUMA BLAZE SHURIKEN 39K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2507 ANCIENT CAPE 41K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +1552 TABLET [1] 25.5K NPC BUYING PRICE !!MVP ROOM DELTA!! @alootid +603 OLD BLUE BOX @alootid +617 OLD PURPLE BOX @alootid +616 OLD CARD ALBUM @alootid +607 YGG BERRY @alootid +2111 SACRED MISSION 64K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2509 SURVIVOR'S MANTEAU 10K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +1256 KATAR OF FROZEN ICICLE [0] 22.5K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +969 GOLD 100K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +984 ORIDECON @alootid +985 ELUNIUM !!MVP ROOM SIGMA!! @alootid +7166 SOFT SILK @alootid +661 SOFT APRON 10K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +603 OLD BLUE BOX @alootid +617 OLD PURPLE BOX @alootid +644 GIFT BOX @alootid +985 ELUNIUM OPTIONAL: For Enhancing Clip Quest @alootid +2659 VESPER CORE 1 @alootid +2660 VESPER CORE 2 @alootid +2661 VESPER CORE 3 @alootid +2662 VESPER CORE 4 !!MVP ROOM GAMMA!! @alootid +12080 DRAGON BREATH COCKTAIL 50K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +7444 TREASURE BOX 150K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +7510 VALHALLA'S FLOWER 100K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +1242 DAGGER OF COUNTER 60K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +7024 BLOODY EDGE 5K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2655 BLOODIED SHACKLE BALL 25K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2648 MORPHEUS'S RING 15K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2649 MORPHEUS'S BRACELET 15K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2229 HELM [1] 22K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2342 LEGION PLATE ARMOR 51250 NPC BUYING PRICE OTHER THINGS TO LOOT: @alootid +728 TOPAZ 3K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2515 EAGLE WING [1] 10K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2519 MORIGANE'S MANTEAU 15K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +2412 GREAVES [1] 27K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +7450 SKELETAL ARMOR PIECE 1025 NPC BUYING PRICE (WITH ARROW CRAFTING YIELDS 500 IMMATERIAL ARROW, 100 ORIDECON ARROW, 200 ARROW OF SHADOW = 2700Z NPC BUYING PRICE) !!MVP ROOM OMEGA!! @alootid +2345 LUCIUS'S FIERCE ARMOR OF VOLCANO [1] 68K NPC BUYING PRICE (IT'S ALSO UP TO THE PLAYER WHETHER THIS IS SOLD IN #TRADE OR USED FOR HIDDEN ENCHANTMENT) @alootid +7022 OLD HILT (WITH ARROW CRAFTING YIELDS 1000 ORIDECON ARROW = 15K NPC BUYING PRICE) @alootid +7023 BLADE LOST IN DARKNESS 6K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +607 YGG BERRY @alootid +617 OLD PURPLE BOX @alootid +616 OLD CARD ALBUM @alootid +994 FLAME HEART 1.5K NPC BUYING PRICE @alootid +608 YGG SEED @alootid +2621 RING[1] 15K NPC BUYING PRICE I hope this guide helps. Have fun farming.
Hello, I didn't make this guide from scratch, I referred to the old guides, thought it may be useful for new people here. Hopefully the farming tips below are still relevant in here. Tips 101: Always try to sell the loots with your character that has level 10 overcharge so you get more zeny! Moscovia 3 Either target only Mavkas or also Baba Yagas for optional loots. You can get around 3-5 million zeny in 30 minutes!! And lastly dont forget to use these @alootid commands unless you want to be a Kukre and loot everything, which is never a bad idea! Witherless Rose: @alootid +748 Crystal Mirror: @alootid +747 Piece of Cake: @alootid +539 Blue Herb: @alootid +510 Prices (without Overcharge skill) Witherless Rose: 27,500 zeny Crystal Mirror: 7,500 zeny Piece of Cake: 1,500 zeny Blue Herb: 30 zeny. This is better off stored or sold to Blue Pot Crafters or other players with higher price. Players also need blue pots, if necessary, store it. Ein Dungeon Level 2 The main item you want to get here is the "1carat Diamond" that the Obsidian monster carries. They drop it all the time (if not, then most of the time). The Teddy Bear drops "Oridecon Hammer" and the Mineral drops "Topaz" (and in rare occasions, "Gold"). Here's list of how much they sell: 1carat Diamond = 5000z Oridecon Hammer = 2500z Topaz = 3000z Gold = 100000z (you can vend this to sell to players for higher value, since gold is useful i.e. for handcrafting) Geffenia (level 4?) Monsters : Succubus, Incubus, Mini Demon with 2 spawns of Deviruchis, Violy, etc. etc. Loots: Little Evil Wing = 1000z Mastela = 4250z Gold Ring = 15000z Diamond Ring = 22500z For the Priest class: use Magnus Exorcimus skill (with No Cast-Time) except for Fake Angel and Violy. Abysmal Knights do roam around these areas every now and then. If you happen to kill them, there's a little chance they might drop an Abysmal Knight Card, which can be sold to players for quite a price. Sphinx level 4 / 5 Monster to kill: Pasana. Main items to loot: " Undershirt" and "Stiletto" (bear in mind the drop rate is not 100%). This monster is mostly around and can be spotted easily. Level 5 has more Pasana spawns than level 4, though in level 5, there's Pharaoh MVP, so make sure you choose carefully! Undershirt = 10000z Stiletto = 9750z Juperos (core/ruins 1) Monsters: Venatu and Dimik. They are aggressive and can gang up on you very easily so stay alert. Crest Piece (any kind) = 2500z Professional Cooking Kit = 1000z Drifter = 40000z Dusk = 11750z Thunder-P = 38000z Armor Charm = 10000z Steel = 7500 (can be sold to players for better price?) Tips: A Wizard / High Wizard with No-Cast of AOE (Area of Effect) like Storm Gust and Lord of Vermillion skills can pretty much swipe clean the area. Assassin / Assassin Cross types can also round up as many as they want (just make sure you have enough Flee rate to dodge their attacks) and once they have formed a line trying to attack you, use Hiding and Grimtooth (must have Katar type weapon to be used). I'll update this when I have more time. Let me know if you have any feedback so I can also update this post. Also let me know what guides you want to see. I don't take any credit for this guide.
So few of you might wonder how to Autotrade , Its simple mahn if you have donated 1000c in your life time you can get @autotrade or @at command. 1.) First go to Vending Area Payon or Prontera. 2.) Don't use the command without opening a shop or else you will get a message like this. 3.) Firstly to vend something you need to add item to your cart after adding item to your cart click the 12th skill from the 1st Job section which is vending. Which will open up your shop, Drag the item from the cart then place it for a price there will be a certain commission for each time and the max amount of zeny that you can vend is for1000,000,000 zeny. Once your done setting up the Shop click "Ok" go to your chat then type @autotrade or @at if your have donated 1000c in your life time in that account. 4.) After Done a message like this will popout which means you have been logged out but your still in game vending. After someone has purchased your Item you will be logged out and your character will no longer be online unless it has something else to vend. 5.) You can also buy Autotrade Coupon for 50pp from cash shop recovery tab. 6.) To use this pm NPC:Autotrade as mentioned below. 7.) You can either vend for 1 Autotrade Coupon or 5mill zeny which is disabled for now as stated by Admin. Choose these options mentioned below. 8.) Make sure you have all requirements when choose your options or else you can't autotrade.
- autovending
- autotrade
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EMPIRE ENTERTAINMENT PH x Revival RO Many players think that Revival RO or other RO servers were a "pay to win" game but this phrase was proven wrong in many instances. To win the game, the player's greatest weapon is his knowledge and understanding of the game itself. If you're a player who's determined to make a lot of Zeny then this guide can help you make your goals possible. 1. Create a Merchant Class Character Merchants have Overcharge skill that allows the character to sell items at increased price to NPC shops up to 24% and they also have Discount skill that lower the price of item that you're buying from NPC shops. Vending is also one of exclusive skills of Merchants that allows them to set up a shop at his current location. Since you're a Merchant Class you can change you job and become a Blacksmith or an Alchemist. Blacksmith - thanks to the server's featured systems Artistry and Crafting System and Blacksmith's Custom Forging System, blacksmiths are given the potential to become one of the richest beings in Rune-Midgarts. Learn the class' custom forging and crafting system, collect the items needed for the said system then use it for forging and crafting. The items produced in this system can be sold depending on the refinement of the item created. The higher the refinement, the higher the price. Alchemist - like the blacksmiths, alchemists can also create items which are potions and concoctions of all sorts that can be sold in a profitable price. 2. Upgrading Equipment in order to turn a profit. This is a great a example of a "high risk, high reward", technically a gamble. As you upgrade an equipment or item continuously, the chances of it being upgraded becomes lower and the chances of it getting destroyed becomes higher. But now, thanks to the server's Updated Refinement System you can upgrade your equipment without worrying as the Blacksmith's Blessing prevents the equipment from being destroyed when being refined. Investing on Blacksmith's Blessings are one of the best choices you can do to upgrade equipment faster and sell it in a profitable price. 3. Farm This is the easiest way of making zeny in Ragnarok Online. I made a list of farming spots where you can achieve maximum productivity with a minimum wasted effort. Reminder: You can still farm and loot items from other monsters in the dungeon together with the listed monster, the list is only there just to remind you that your top priority kill are the monsters on the list to maximize your efficiency. Note: The price listed are the selling price of the item in NPC Shop without Overcharge Skill. Meaning the price will increase if you sell those items using a Merchant Class with a maxed level Overcharge. Moscovia Forest: Dremuci Forest [Level 3] Mavka: Drops (100%): Crystal Mirror | Price: 7,500 zeny Drops (60%): Witherless Rose | Price: 27,500 zeny Thanatos Tower F8 Dame of Sentinel: Drops(100%): Topaz | Price: 3,000 zeny Drops (20%): Stone of Sage | Price: 50,000 zeny Mistress of Shelter: Drops (100%): Pearl | Price: 3,000 zeny Drops (10%): Stone of Sage | Price: 50,000 zeny Baroness of Retribution: Drops (100%): Ruby | Price: 3,000 zeny Drops: (10%): Stone of Sage | Price: 50,000 zeny Lady Solace: Drops (100%): Garnet | Price: 3,000 zeny Drops (10%): Harp [2] | Price: 31,000 zeny Drops: (10%): Stone of Sage | Price: 50,000 zeny Ein Dungeon [Level 2] Succubus: Drops (100%): Mastela Fruit | Price: 4,250 zeny Drops (50%): Diamond Ring | Price: 22,5000 zeny Incubus: Drops (100%): Mastela Fruit | Price: 4,250 zeny Drops (100%): Gold Ring | Price: 15,000 zeny Drops (30%): Diamond Ring | Price: 22,5000 zeny Tip: After farming, sell the items using a Merchant Class to increase it's selling price up to 24%. For example you're selling a gold to NPC for 100,000 zeny but if you're selling a gold using Merchant Class with overcharge skill the selling price will increase up to 124,000 zeny it's not that much but imagine selling 100 pieces of gold. It's a big profit. 4. MVP Farming This is the fastest way of making zeny. Here are the list of MVP Rooms you should farm and what MVP Monsters to kill and what items to loot. Reminder: You can still farm and loot items from other monsters in the dungeon together with the listed monster, the list is only there just to remind you that your top priority kill are the monsters on the list to maximize your efficiency. Note: The price listed are the selling price of the item in NPC Shop without Overcharge Skill. Meaning the price will increase if you sell those items using a Merchant Class with a maxed level Overcharge. Note: Old Card Album can be sold to player up to 300,000 zeny (this price may vary). Alpha MVP Room: Mistress: Drop (100%): Old Card Album can be sold to other players for a higher price. Delta MVP Room: Golden Thief Bug: Drop (100%): Gold | Price: 100,000 zeny MVP Drop: Ora Ora | Price: 27,500 zeny Amon Ra: Drop (80%): Old Card Album can be sold to players for a higher price. Drop (100%): Yggdrasil Berries can be sold to other players for a higher price or can be used as pots for farming. MVP Drops: Yggdrasil Berries , Yggdrasil Seed and 3-carat Diamond. Gamma MVP Room: Detardeurus: Drop (100%): Treasure Box | Price 150,000 zeny Drop (100%): Dragon Breath Cocktail | Price: 50,000 zeny MVP Drops: Old Blue Box , Old Purple Box , and 3-carat Diamond. Valkyrie Randgris: Drop (100%): Valhalla's Flower | Price: 100,000 zeny Drop (100%): Valkyrie's Armor [1] can be refined and sold to other players. Drop (100%): Valkyrie's Manteau [1] can be refined and sold to other players. Drop (100%): Valkyrian Shoes [1] can be refined and sold to other players. MVP Drops: Old Blue Box , Old Purple Box and Old Card Album . We hope this guide did a great help! Good luck! Pagpalain! 🤗🤗🤗
farming Farming is Life - Where and What of Zeny Making in Farming
Guest posted a topic in Ragnarok's Guides
Hello~~~ Let’s talk about farming and making zeny. Most players (including me) love to spend hours on farming for zeny and discovering stuff that could help any player in becoming a zeny mogul. This post of mine is just an add-on to an already existing post (check out: about making zeny in-game. Most players may have noticed that the usual farming sites have been crowded by many people such as the MVP room. This time we’ll go to other maps to get these items that would surely be helpful in earning zeny either by selling to other players or making items out of them to be sold later. Please take note that I will only be putting on a list. Buying price and selling price can be done via #trade with the message PC <item name>. Also it would be helpful if a player can use @whereis <monster name/mob id> and @whodrops <item name/item id>. I will also be putting where the most number of mobs are located or where the easiest ones to find are located. Item ID Mob and Where to Find Purpose Specifics Fur 6020 Tatacho (Manuk Field 2 and 3), Hillslion (Manuk Field 3), and Duneyrr (Nidhogg’s Dungeon 1) Quest Item Schwartzvald Pine Jubilee and Drooping Amistr Peaked Hat 6021 Tatacho (Manuk Field 2 and 3) Quest Item Arunafeltz Dessert Sandwich Mystic Horn 6023 Cornus (Splendide Field 1 and 3), Aenbharr (GHp > 1 map down > 2 maps to the right - Geffen field 02p) Quest Item Rune Strawberry Cake Spool 7217 Hylozoist (Nifleheim, Nifleheim field 1 and 2) Quest Item, Tailoring Needle Packet 7213 Hylozoist (Nifleheim, Nifleheim field 1 and 2) Quest Item, Tailoring Broken Needle 7215 Hylozoist (Nifleheim, Nifleheim field 1 and 2) Quest Item Ectoplasm 7220 Hylozoist (Nifleheim, Nifleheim field 1 and 2), Lude (Nifleheim, Nifleheim field 2) and Quve (Nifleheim, Nifleheim field 1) Tailoring Stem 905 Les (Moscovia Dungeon 1 and 2), Mandragora (Prontera Field 2 and Mt. Mjolnir 11) Tailoring Mushroom Spore 921 Spore (Payon Field 6 and 😎 Tailoring Anolian Skin 7003 Anolian (Comodo Field 3 and Glastheim Sewer 4), Alligator (Comodo Field 1) Tailoring Fluff 914 Fabre (Prontera Field 6 and 8, Payon Field 1 and 3, Geffen Field 00) Tailoring Cobweb 1025 Argos (Mt. Mjolnir 10) Tailoring, Spider Web Skill Dragon Skin 7123 Deleter (Magma Dungeon 2) Tailoring Large Jellopy 7126 Metaling (Biolabs 1) Tailoring Solid Trunk 1067 Willow (Payon Field 1) Handicrafting Fine-grained Trunk 1066 Willow (Payon Field 1) Handicrafting Grit 1056 Sleeper (Yuno Field 2 and 6) and Sandman (Morroc Field 16) Handicrafting Sharp Scale 963 Phen and Swordfish (Byalan Dungeon 4) Handicrafting Fine Sand 7043 Sleeper (Yuno Field 2 and 6) and Sandman (Morroc Field 16) Handicrafting Fine Grit 7041 Scorpion (Morroc Field 20) Handicrafting Tendon 1050 Marine Sphere (Byalan 4) Handicrafting Dragon Canine 1035 Deleter (Magma Dungeon 2) Handicrafting Bookclip in Memory 7015 Rideword (Clock Tower 1) Handicrafting Crystal of Darkness 7799 All the Morrocs (Morroc Field 20 and 21) Handicrafting Mother's Nightmare 7020 Maya (MVP Room) Handicrafting Harpy Feather 7115 Harpy (Yuno Field 2,3,4, and 7) Quest Item Golden Wings Quest Peco peco Feather 7101 Grand Peco (Yuno Field 😎 Quest Item Golden Wings Quest Fabric 1059 Wraith (Glast Heim Churchyard), Lude (Nifleheim town or @go13 and Nifleheim field 2), Whisper (Glast Heim Culvert F1 and Geffen Dungeon F3). Quest Item Hip Ribbon, Hair Bow, Fable Silk Soft Silk 7166 Evil Nymph (Gonryun 3), Bacsojin MVP room, for Silk Robe to Silk Ribbon exchange Quest Item Hip Ribbon, Hair Bow, Fable Silk Marionette Doll 5141 Marionette (Geffen Dungeon 3) Quest Item Ring Des Nibelungen Peridot 7289 Ungoliant (Ein Dungeon 1), Endless Tower Quest Item Hyrulian Hood Angel Wing 2254 Angeling (Toy Factory 1, Yuno Field 3, and Payon Field 4) Quest Item Hyrulian Hood and Magical Feather Huge Leaf 7198 Dryad (Umbala Field 1 and Umbala Dungeon 2) and Wootan Fighter (Umbala Field 2 and Umbala Dungeon 1) Quest Item Yatta Elastic Band 7200 Wootan Shooter (Umbala Dungeon 2) Quest Item Yatta Fig Leaf 7298 Leaf Cat (Ayothaya Dungeon 1 and Ayothaya Field 2) Quest Item Yatta Fluff 914 Meat Exchanger Umbala Quest Item Drooping Amistr Yarn 7038 Zhu Po Long (Suei Long Gon 3) Quest Item Drooping Amistr Clip of Consciousness 5225 Amistr (Biolabs Basement) Quest Item Drooping Amistr Mystic Frozen 995 Hatii and Stormy Knight (MVP Room) Quest Item Ice Wing Ice Cubic 7066 Iceicle (Ice Cave 2) Gazeti (Ice Cave 2 and 3), Snowier (Ice Cave 2 and 3), and Siroma (Ice Cave 1 and 2) Quest Item Ice Wing Glacial Heart 7651 Ice Titan (Ice Cave 2 and 3) Gazeti (Ice Cave 2 and 3), Snowier (Ice Cave 2 and 3), and Siroma (Ice Cave 1 and 2) Quest Item Icicle Wings Frozen Rose 749 Ice Titan (Ice Cave 2 and 3) Quest Item Icicle Wings Ice Scale 7562 Ktullanux (MVP Room) Quest Item Icicle Wings Level 1 Frost Diver 700 Marin (Lutie Field) Quest Item Icicle Wings Crystal Blue 991 Black Mushroom (Geffen Dungeon 1, Orc Dungeon 1 and 2, and Suei Long Gon 1) Quest Item Icicle Wings Red Blood 990 Scorpion (Morroc Field 20) Quest Item Icicle Wings Green Live 993 Tri-joint (Beach Dungeon 2) Quest Item Icicle Wings Wind of Verdure 992 Grand Peco (Yuno Field 8), and Brightlight (Clock Tower B2) Quest Item Icicle Wings Cursed Water 12020 Geffenia (all floors) Quest Item Icicle Wings Holy Water 523 Acolyte (Aqua Benedicta Skill) Quest Item Icicle Wings Combo Battle Glove [4] 1822 Roween (Rachel Field 4 and 7) Quest Item Icicle Wings Ice Pick [0] 1230 RSX-0806 (MVP Room) Quest Item Ice Pick and Icicle Wings Ice Fireworks 12374 Imp (Thor's Volcano 1) Quest Item Skoll Ears Ice Pieces 6256 Kraken's Lair and Ice Crown Quest Item Skoll Ears Katar of Frozen Icicle [3] Socket Enchant (Katar of Frozen Icicle from Hatii in MVP Room) Quest Item Skoll Ears Principles of Magic [2] 1572 Mavka (Moscovia Dungeon 3) Quest Item Magical Feather Ancient Magic [2] 1573 Uzhas (Moscovia Dungeon 3) Quest Item Magical Feather Release of Wish 1630 Baba Yaga (Moscovia Dungeon 3) Quest Item Magical Feather Yaga's Pestle 7762 Baba Yaga (Moscovia Dungeon 3) Quest Item Magical Feather Bitter Herb 621 Uzhas (Moscovia Dungeon 3) Quest Item Magical Feather Blue Tinted Feather 7441 Lady Solace and Dame of Sentinel (Thanatos Tower 7 and 😎 Quest Item Magical Feather Red Tinted Feather 7440 Baroness of Retribution and Mistress of Shelter (Thanatos Tower 7 and 😎 Quest Item Magical Feather and Golden Wings Dragon Breath Cocktail 12080 Detardeurus (MVP Room) Quest Item Magical Feather Rose Quartz 7293 Zealotus (Glast Heim Prison 1), Endless Tower Quest Item Magical Feather Star Crumb 1000 Stalactic Golem (Beach Dungeon 2) Decarder Yellow gemstone 715 Gemstone Exchange Payon Decarder, Reputation Quest Jellopy 909 Meat Exchanger Umbala Quest Item Onward to the New World Tiger Skin 1029 Eddga (MVP Room) Quest Item Sex Changer Piece of Shield 7108 Lord of Death (MVP Room Quest Item Sex Changer Skel-bone 932 Khalitzburg (Geffenia all floors - Abysmal Knight Summon), Hell Poodle (Cursed Abbey 1) Quest Item Sex Changer Item ID Mob and Where to Find Bat Teeth Katar 41338 Implosion (Thulean Plateau) Perun Axe 41382 Nightmare Minorous (Nightmare Pyramids 1) Kontei [2] 41376 Nightmare Arclouse (Nightmare Pyramids 2) Coronis Wing 41373 Aenbharr (Geffen Field 02p) Thyrsus Staff 41384 Green Damselfly (Abbey Field 1 and Abbey Temple 1 and 2) Wool Scarf 2528 Banshee (Cursed Abbey 1) Tidal Shoes 2424 Ragged Zombie (Cursed Abbey 1 and 2) Orleans Server 2123 Aliza (Kiel Dungeon 1 and 2) Orleans Glove 2701 Bow Guardian (Thor's Volcano 1) Orcish Axe [0] 1304 High Orc (Clock Tower Basement 2) Specialty Jur [4] 1264 Eremes Guile (Biolabs 3) Happy farming and stay tuned for more updates!-
- zenymaking
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Hi everyone! 😊 Here is probably another matter we might want to discuss for improvement - the autotrade. Most of us players are aware of the autotrade coupon in cash shop and how important it is for those who wish to sell their stuffs even if they aren't online. Some of the things I would like to suggest about this are as follows: Please put a limit/number of days for the autotrade coupon's effect. Whether the owner/player of the autotrade vendor logs in or not, the limit should be applied (i.e. 14 days only). Maybe you guys will ask why. Here's the rationale behind it: let's say for example you are a level 10 donor with autotrade command, where as another player is only on autotrade coupon but, both of you have the ability to vend for 30 days without logging in. I wonder if that would be fair. Regardless, whether the level 10 donor can log in and return to vend, still the duration of 30 days without logging in and the vend is still up is kind of like hmmmmm.... same(?) as both players opted to not log in. In this circumstance maybe some will argue that when the server restarts, then both will be logged out. The level 10 donor can just autovend again. YES. But the one with autotrade coupon can also do so. I hope I get my point clear. Please make the autotrade coupon available in Item Dealer NPC or perhaps another NPC which we players can buy for 100m (I think this price is just fair). This is for those who don't have creds on their hands or maybe they don't want to use their creds but they want to get rid of their zeny. Even if the price is doubled, making it available in terms of zeny can also be a good way of zeny sink. Let's have a weekly or monthly clearing of vendors. What for? So people would restock and there will be something new to see for other players who visit payon/pront to buy stuff. Let's admit it, some of those vends are from way back~~~ so old on vend they can already be classified as antiques as no one is buying them. This way, players will also be kind of "renewing their lease" with their autotrade. These are the things that I have thought of about this autotrade function. I just hope that these could help improve the over-all game play of all the players. Anyways, ciao~~~
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- vending
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