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  1. Here is a list of NPCs Newbies ought to know so that their gameplay might work a little bit conveniently. In this guide, I will only be listing down the basic NPCs. PVP related NPCs will be posted in a different guide. 1. Newbie Items NPC (@go 15 Novice Grounds) - Gives FREE ITEMS to starter players 2. Warpra NPC (located in all towns) - Warps players to towns & dungeons only /enables use of storage / allows players to save on towns 3. Healer NPC (located in all towns) - enables players to restore HP and SP 4. Job Master NPC (located in all towns) - allows a player to change their class at job level 10 and 50 without doing a the quest (as opposed to classic where quests need to be done) 5. Stylist NPC (located in all towns) - Want to look cute/pretty? Then this is the NPC to go. 6. Universal Rental NPC (Prontera 123, 199 and @go 16 Mall 93, 59) - Rents a Peco to Lord Knight/Paladin Classes, rents a cart to Merchants and other classes with Vendor’s Clip/Merchant’s Clip, and rents a Falcon to Snipers and other classes with Hunter’s Clip/Sniper’s Clip) 7. Monster of the Day NPC (Prontera 147, 172 and @go 39 Eden Group 31, 31) - allows a player to take a Monster Hunt every day for a reward of pancakes, heroic points, and cedi points. It also allows a player to exchange their heroic points for gears/items. 8. Gramps NPC (@go 39 Eden Group 19, 35) - This allows players of level 103 and up to take quests/monster hunts in exchange for experience points. 10. Daily Board (@go 39 Eden Group 2nd Floor) - This NPC gives a range of quests that could be done in exchange for Pieces of Paradise. 11. Daily Quest NPC (@go 39 Eden Group 2nd Floor) - This NPC which is beside the Daily Board gives an overview of eden daily quest. This NPC is also the one responsible for giving Pieces of Paradise to players who have finished Extermination Quests and Bounty Hunting Quests. 12. Stock Manager NPC (@go 39 Eden Group 2nd Floor) - This NPC can be found inside the portal found on the left side of the Daily Board NPC. It is responsible for accepting items required of Supply and Accumulation quests wherein upon submission will be rewarded with Pieces of Paradise. Pieces of Paradise can be used in a variety of things in Eden Group 2nd floor and the following NPCs accept Pieces of Paradise or even zeny (selected NPCs) for certain services. 13. Gumball NPC (@go 39 Eden Group 2nd Floor) - This NPC makes use of 2 pieces of paradise to reward players with random items - it may be junk, maybe useful, or who knows someone may get a BCA from it. 14. Vending Machine (@go 39 Eden Group 2nd Floor) - This NPC trades players’ Pieces of Paradise for costumes, equipment, and consumables. 15. Laid-back guy (@go 39 Eden Group 2nd Floor) - Using Pieces of Paradise, this NPC resets the timer of the following instances: Kraken’s Lair, Golden Hole, Fluffy’s Return, Endless Tower, Sealed Shrine, Nydhogg’s Nest, Bakonawa’s Lake, Bangungot Hospital, Buwaya Cave, and Wolfchev’s Laboratory. 16. Packing Master (@go 39 Eden Group 2nd Floor) - This NPC helps a player create and delete an equipment set with the use of chosen equipment, Pieces of Paradise and zeny. 17. Vote Point NPC (@go 16 Mall upper portion 100, 102) - This NPC exchanges vote points/community points for consumables, pets, and headgears. 18. Mining Point NPC (@go 16 Mall upper portion 107, 99) - Mining Points are exchanged for consumables and gears through this NPC. 19. Event Point NPC (@go 16 Mall upper portion 115, 100) - hard-earned Event Points are used to exchange for items and headgears through this NPC. 20. Retro EP Redemption NPC (@go 16 Mall upper portion 121, 98) - This NPC is different from the normal Event Point NPC because this one contains a selection of headgears that are obtainable from time-specific events. 21. Pet NPC (@go 16 Mall upper portion 128, 101) - Players can buy pet food, pet accessories, and pet taming items from this NPC. 22. Premium Pet NPC (@go 16 Mall upper portion 130, 100) - Players can buy premium pets and their food using premium points (credits obtained via donation) through this NPC 23. Reset Girl NPC (@go 0 Prontera 182, 214) - Resetting Skills and Stats can be done through this NPC at a cost of zeny. Players can also save/delete builds with this NPC. 24. Pancaline (@go 0 Prontera 187, 210) - Consumed pancakes or pancakes earned from MoTD will be exchanged for random items with this NPC. 25. Decarder/Wise Old Woman (@go 0 Prontera inside Blacksmith Building, enter left portal once inside) - With star crumb, yellow gemstone, and a certain amount of zeny, this NPC can remove cards from players’ equipment. That’s about it for the basic NPCs that new players must familiarize themselves with.
    1 point
  2. Good day everyone! Perhaps some of you are trying to find other activities that could be done in-game aside from the typical MVPing and farming for good. Then let’s get fishing! Fishing is one of the features in this server that people tend to neglect. Why? The reason I could think of is that it takes so much time. Indeed, it takes so much time but the reward for it is worth it. What could it be that’s worth spending so much time fishing? Here it is! Mermaid Bubbles Costume There is a correction on this one though. This costume is a middle costume and not an upper one. Aside from Mermaid Bubbles Costume, some fish that players could catch are actually helpful in farming, PvP, and WoE as they give certain stats and status effects. So come and join me and let’s go fishing! (Warning: If you’re not the patient type, I suggest you need to bring lots of patience with you) Step 1: Getting the Fishing Gears and Baits Go to Al de Baran (@go 6) and go top part of the map (147, 228) and talk to the Fishing Tutor NPC so he can give you the starter items for Fishing (Old Rod and 50 Smelly Sock Baits) Step 2: Equipping the Gears Equip the Old Rod like any other weapon. Then, equip the Smelly Sock Bait as your ammunition (just like how you would equip an arrow on your archer class character) Upon equipping the gears, go to your skill tree (alt+S on window) [sorry android players I haven’t done this on android q.q) and check on the Etc. tab This should show up under the etc. tab. Fish level 1 Skill. Place the skill on your hotkeys so you can enable yourself to fish. Step 3: Start to Fish At this point, go to the nearest body of water in Al de Baran and cast Level 1 Fish. It should show you an option just like in the picture I would recommend for starters to choose Surface. Why? Because the fish on the surface are easier to catch for beginners compared to the fish on Middle, Deep, and Dark (these fishes require higher level of fishing skill and level) Also, please take note that if the choices posted [O] it means you can fish on that particular option whereas [X] means the option is not available. Please be guided that in this activity you either get a fish or none at all. Fishing results are actually random. It’s either you get a fish just like below It could also be that you won’t get any fish at all. Do not be discouraged, it is just normal. Keep on fishing till you can collect tons of fish. Also there would be times that you will be told “The fish sense something amiss…” When you see this line, the only thing you need to do is move to a different spot so you can continue fishing. I would recommend that you move about 5-6 cells away from your fishing spot so you can continue fishing. Step 4: Level up your Fishing Every character starts with fishing level 1. In order to be able to get the Mermaid Bubbles Costume, the character should have level 50 in fishing. Fishes vary in level that is why the character needs to increase his/her Fishing level. Certain fishes can only be caught on a certain level, thus you need to fish more and more! Thanks to the guide posted on the forums of the old stolen server, leveling in fishing has become easier. Please take note that most of the details in here are not my own. The credit goes to the players kind enough to share the information. Here are the places where players can level up in fishing Level 1 - 20 - Al de Baran Level 21 - 30 - Hugel Level 30 - 35 - Veins field 7 (one map down of Veins) Level 35 - 50 - Geffen field 12 (go 2 maps left of geffen and go 1 map down) The spots mentioned above are the ones suggested by the player who made the guide on the other server. This was suggested because these are places that help boost fishing level the most. Moreover, from level 35 onwards players can start getting more shekels from the fish they catch. Wait, what do I do with the fish I get and what is shekel? The fish that players caught can be traded into shekels. Shekel is the currency characters made by trading the fish they catch with Fish Merchant NPC Just like in the picture, choose the option trade to exchange all the fish you caught so they could be turned into shekels (which come in the form of points). These shekel points can be then used to buy Rods that give higher Fishing skill level or baits. Once you have traded your fish for shekels, you can check your shekel point balance by talking to the Supplier NPC. Click on the ‘Buy Supplies’ option to see what the NPC has to offer. It should show a box like this where you can check your points and the items you can choose from to purchase. I would highly recommend to stay away from buying baits in your early levels of fishing. Unless you have reached level 50, don’t buy baits yet since the amount of shekels you would be earning from fishing are not break-even with the price of baits from the NPC. At this point you may be wondering…. HOW DO I GET BAITS THEN? There are other ways to get baits aside from buying from the NPC (these were from the guide on the other server’s forums) 1st - make a new character (no need to level it) and just go to the Fishing Tutor NPC and claim the old rod and 50 smelly sock baits. Store them in your storage. Log out. Delete char. Repeat process. Do this as NECESSARY. The baits are FREE for every new character in your account. 2nd - Farm smelly sock baits from Orc Warrior. Not as easy as the first method, but if you’re skeptical about the first method suggested then you can do this one instead. 3rd - Do cooking. Level 5 to Level 9 cookbooks allow players to make baits too. These baits are of higher quality than smelly sock baits, thus they are more efficient when catching higher level fishes. (I might as well put the steps on a different guide). Step 5: Fishing for Mermaid Bubbles Costume Once you have achieved level 50, this enables you to catch all kinds of fish of various levels. Also, it will allow you to get a costume which is - Mermaid Bubbles Costume. At this point in time, I would suggest that the player should get the Bamboo Rod (Level 4). Why? I believe it is more efficient than the Old Rod (Level 1). Another thing to take note is that you can choose whichever bait you would prefer as ammunition to get the costume. It is NOT necessary that you use the best bait. Even an ordinary smelly sock bait can help you get the costume. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO……… WHERE DO I FISH THAT COSTUME? In Alberta (@go 4). Fish in any body of water where Fishing skill is possible. Make sure you choose [O] Middle. It might take a lot of time but hang in there. You will definitely get the costume. There you have it everyone. Happy fishing and may all the good luck be on your side as you fish for the costume. Before I forget, thank you to all of those players who shared their knowledge about fishing. Let’s make RevivalRO a happy fishing place! Have a great day ahead.
    1 point
  3. ========== Demon Busters ... and you ========== - fancy pictures follow up ... maybe - Demon Busters (commonly just called "Seth") is a mission of the Royal Operation Quests, also knows as RDC. It is part of the recently added Tier 4. ========== Overview ========== Party member size: 5-8 Tickets used per run: 3 Time Limit: 60min Exclusive Loots: Seth's Wrath, Seth's Pride Unholy Whip, Haunted Guitar and Raok Runestone ========== Party (optional, but for us it worked well) ========== Team set up 1: Professor (Tanker, Vulcano) Sniper (1-2, Killer) High Priest (Buffs and Status Recovery) Alts: Gypsy (Fortune's Kiss) Whitesmith (Weapon Perfection and Power Thrust) Creator (FCP, against weapon breaking and MVP can strip Tank) Paladin (Devotion, not mandatory, but it's more chill for the Tanker) The general tactic behind that set up is, to Buff the Killer/s as much as possible and give the Tanker an easier time because of the Devotion. It is basically a Cedi-esk set up. High Priest is essential since the MVP spams Wide Freeze and the Killers will Freeze. Team set up 2: Professor (Tanker, Vulcano) Sniper (1-2, Killer) High Priest (Buffs and Status Recovery) Alts: Gypsy (Fortune's Kiss, Drum on the Battlefield) Clown (Ensemble Partner) Whitesmith (Weapon Perfection and Power Thrust) Creator (FCP, against weapon breaking and MVP can strip Tank) Basically the same idea as in the set up before. However, due to the fact that you can counter God Seths Dark Blessing with Coma immunity, you can ditch the Paladin and go for more damage buffs. For our set up we decided on the Ensemble Song "Drum on the Battlefield". ======================================== ========== Walk Through ========== Map: The map is a mirror of "Bios Island" (1@dth1; 1@dth2; 1@dth3). The mission is split into three "parts". On the first 2 maps you get confronted with a lost Soul. It is up to you now to fid the Statues on the map and click their switches. Both maps are basically the same and have the statues on the same spots. If someone already activated the statue, the message will tell you that it looks dusty. Once that is done, on each map a so to speak "mini boss", the Gate Keeper will appear, you will need to kill them. The First Mini Boss' Element: Ghost Second Mini Boss' Element: Neutral You will arrive on the last map, a single big room. Go to the enter and trigger the dialog. Once the soul is done talking, activate the 4 Statues in the corner. Make sure your party is ready, because this will trigger the last MVP ... The last MVP comes in two shapes: Seth (can change property, so keep Sense on him) God Seth (always Holy property) The major difficulty on Seth is, that he spams Chain Lightning, a Warlock Wind Property Skill. Once Seth is defeated, his adult form, God Seth will spawn right after in the middle of the map. God Seth is "easier" to tank, however he can use Dark Blessing. The mission ends when God Seth is defeated, the loot chest will appear on the middle of the map. To get better informations about the MVPs, you can use @mi 4319 and @mi 4320. Their stats are the following: ======================================== ========== The Tank ========== As in basically every instance in Revival, Professor is the best Tank to go. Their major job is to lay down Vulcano, then Dispell and Sense the MVP. Magic Rod can also help to prevent damage from Chain Lightning. High Wind resistance helps to Tank Seth. - Consumables: Yggdrasil Berry, Reraise Potion, Thunderproof Potion Ghostring Hat [2] - Giant Hornet Card Large White Angelwing [1] - Mistress Card Honoray Bunny Mouth [0] Keris [1] Vigilante Shield [1] (Pushback Orb) - Alice Card Great Old Hauberk [0] Caliginous Cloak [1] - Dustiness Card Valkyrian Shoes [1] - Purplering Card Great Old Ring [0] / Topaz Ring [0] / Vendor's Clip [1] - Osiris Card Alternative Items: Apache Coated Boots / Puff Eye Ring Combo; Fuzzy Bunny Scarf Basically any item that helps you get some Resistance for Wind. God Seth isn't that difficult to tank, just make sure your Hard DEF is high enough (similar to Cedi tanking). Sometimes our Tank even forgot to switch items and could tank God Seth with his "Wind Set" as well. Tenshi Ring [0] Large White Angelwing [1] - Mistress Card Honoray Bunny Mouth [0] Keris [1] Vigilante Shield [1] (Pushback Orb) - Alice Card Great Old Hauberk [0], Great Old Cloak [0], Great Old Boots [0] Great Old Ring [0] / Topaz Ring [0] / Vendor's Clip [1] - Osiris Card Alternative Items: Elunium Set Basically any item that helps you getting high Hard DEF. Tank Variant 2: Christmas Headgears Snowbear Hoodie [2] - Giant Hornet Card Let It Snow [1] - Mistress Card White Scarf [0] Meteor Plate [1] - Comodo Card Keris [1] - DEF Enchatns; Any Card you like Vigilante Shield [1] - DEF Orb, Pushback Orb; Alice Card Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1] - Dustiness Card Elunium Greaves [0] Topaz Ring [0] - Or Any you desire Enhancing Clip [0] Basically the same set up as before, refines help on getting hard Defense. The new headgears also give some nice Wind Resistance against Seth's Chain Lightning. Together the gears reech 90 DEF and 112% Wind Resistance. ========== The Killer ========== Best killer also for this instance is Sniper. Due to the element changes of Seth, they got the easiest ways to react to that (by changing Arrows) and do the most damage to him. Drooping Amistr [0] / Heirozoist Hat [1] / Gold Snacpback Cap [0] - Dyunerr / Dark Ping Card Large Red Angelwing [1] - Dyunerr/ Dark Ping Card Jessica's Bell [0] Luciu's Fierce Armor of Vulcano [1] - Gloom Under Night Card Spectral Bow [4] / Goblin Bow [2] / Giant Bow [2] - Abysmal Knight Card Heroic Backpack [1] - Annunaki Card Ebony Greaves [1] / Fey Boots [1] / Elvira Boots [1] - Ascendent Orc Card / Orc Knight Card Recondite Ring [1] - Impolsion Card Consumables: Arrows (all of them), Your default damage increasing Buff items To reduce the chance of getting frozen, we used Jessica's Bell. If you don't care for that, you can use any other lower for more damage. Different Hats are listed to cover up the Element changes Seth can do. Beside that, nothing special, just your normal Crit Lock Sniper. Note: Since both our Sniper are max stat, I didn't included their stats. However, you can also do it with an "legit" Sniper with their standard stats. Max DEX, Enough AGI for max ASPD, and LUK for some CRIT. Killer Variants with Christmas Gears Not much changed for the killer, beside the release of the neat "Pink Scarf" and "Present of Snow". Worth a try if you got those gears. ========== Example Run ========== I recorded one of our runs. I am generally very laggy, so enjoy that PowerPoint Presentation. *UPDATE: I got new internet, now the second video will be much more pleasent to watch, yey!* Team set up 1 & Old Prof Equipment: https://youtu.be/NZ4XZTeu0VU Team set up 2 & Christmas Gear Tanker: https://youtu.be/8hV701yFn2o
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