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Posts posted by Asteria

  1. Hello everyone,

    I will be closing this thread as we have now opened a Suggestions section on forums! When making suggestions, please be sure to explain why you are suggesting the change (and elaborate beyond 'I want it because I do'). Suggestions made in-game or over Discord are not the appropriate way for you to get your ideas in.

    If you agree with someone's ideas, please be sure to post and let us know! Building off from that, please be respectful to each other in the Suggestions section - you are allowed to disagree with other players but be sure to stay on-topic.

    See you there!

  2. 48 minutes ago, MeshiRei said:

    I cant register.. idk why... 

    Hi MeshiRei,

    Could you describe the issue a bit more thoroughly?

    For example, when you register, do you get an error? Or are you not receiving the registration email?

    Thank you!

  3. Hello,

    The client comes with its own basic AIs (you can change between them with /hoai) but you can also find AIs by doing an online search. I think most players are currently using AzzyAI if you want to give that a try.

  4. Hello,

    Are you getting this error on any other characters? If not, you can reset that character's location through the website. Simply log in, select the character, Actions menu, Reset Location.

    If your other characters are erroring as well, Did you use the full installer to get the PC client? If not, I highly recommend reinstalling using that client.

  5. 1 hour ago, Hyu said:

    Edited it for u.

    Hi Hyu,

    I actually have only started one automated event at the very beginning of my training and have assisted in other GM events since. I am sorry that you dislike Event Robot but please don't accuse me of shirking my duties with no actual proof.

    Hope you'll make it to one of my events soon,


  6. Hello everyone!

    A star has fallen and landed in Loki! My name is Asteria. You have likely already seen me on Discord, lurking around Prontera, or even in Helpdesk.

    I am one of (the best of) the four GMs who will soon be formally introducing themselves to you. The name 'Asteria' comes from the Titan goddess of falling stars. Please do NOT try to shove me into any accessories. :( I belong in Helpdesk, not fixed onto someone's ring.

    My GM duties will focus on Helpdesk (obviously), events, and general assistance. If you try shouting in #main, I'll likely be around to help out!

    I hope that we will meet soon and we can become good friends for a long time. <3

    See you online~

  7. Hello everyone!

    Suspect someone of botting? Has someone in Cata been standing in the same spot for 30 minutes? Someone being mean to you? An erorr has occurred?! I know we all want to keep the server safe and functional but sometimes we don't know how to report rule-breaking. Here is a helpful guide for how and when to use NPC:Report!

    *Please note that NPC:Report is the best way to report rule-breaking to the Staff. Shouting in #main or Discord is not as efficient!*

    How Do I NPC:Report?

    If you see something suspicious, simply PM NPC:Report and describe what is happening. You will need to include the offending player and a brief description of what you think they are doing.

    For example:


    This would be a perfect report! It lets the staff know exactly who is being suspicious and what it is they need to be looking for. If you can't catch a name, you can skip down to a more generic report such as:


    While it would be helpful to have an exact name, giving us the map will also suffice (if you're unsure, use /where).

    A BAD Report would look something like this:


    We simply don't have enough information with this sort of report. What do you need help with? Is it more appropriate to sign up for Helpdesk? Do you need to contact Support? Again, NPC:Report is mainly for reporting rule-breaking! If you require assistance, please sign up for Helpdesk, not NPC:Report!

    When Should/Shouldn't I Use NPC:Report?

    Please use NPC:Report when you find something suspicious in-game. This could include people you suspect of AFK Leveling, AFK Farming, botting, or just overall odd behavior. Before you file a report, please try talking to the player and seeing what their response is. If they say something odd back to you, try to avoid you, or straight up don't reply, then you should consider using NPC:Report. Take screenshots of your interactions as well - extra evidence is always welcome.

    Generally, we don't like to rely on NPC:Report for more complicated matters. Mainly, NPC:Report is for reporting rule-breaking! If you have a more difficult issue such as lost items, errors, or log-in problems, please sign up to Helpdesk and we will try to sort you out accordingly!

    Nothing Happened When I NPC:Report!

    If nothing happens after 5 minutes of your report, please take screenshots or record the events happening. The GMs are not always around when rules are being broken but we are trying our best! In the event that your NPC:Report seems unattended to, please send the evidence to Support!

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