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Streamer Boxes!

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Hello Streamers and Players,

We have added "Goku" in the realm of Midgard to help Streamers giveaway the boxes and claim their prizes.

You can find Goku at 4 locations:
prontera (127 194) [Near the center, go left]
morocc (166 97) [At the spawn point of morocc]
geffen (11 62) [Spawn point of geffen]
aldebaran (143 115) [Little south of spawn point]

What does Goku look like?

Apply for our streamer program to get benefits of Giveaway boxes and Streamer Boxes!! 

How to send giveaway boxes?

The Process is simple:

  1. Talk to the NPC.
  2. Select "I am Streamer" option.
  3. Select "Send giveaway box"
  4. Enter the name of the player [Should be online]
  5. Streamer Box will be sent!

How to claim streamer box?

  1. Talk to the NPC.
  2. Select "I am Streamer" option.
  3. Select "Claim Streamer box".

Note: You should be atleast a month with us and fulfilled all the requirements.

How can I claim 'Giveaway box' that was sent to me as Streamer?

This is even simpler than the rest. Just talk to NPC and click on "Claim Giveaway Box", and it will claim all the boxes that were left. Be sure to grab it before it expires.


How to Apply?

Follow the link below to know the steps to become a part of Streamer Program



Changes made to Streamer Program:

There are few changes that are made to the program, which are:

  1. Players should open Giveaway boxes within 5 days of redeeming it.
  2. Streamer can send Giveaway boxes the moment they send the proof, and 7 days are counted from that day onwards.
  3. Streamer can claim their "Streamer box" after 1 month of completion (not on 1st of month as stated previously).


Thank you and have a good day.


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