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Optimus Prime

Pre Christmas Event

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Hello Midgardians,

According to the news from far far lands, monsters are trying to overtake christmas and celebrate halloween. Hallowring will be sending his assistant dancers to the Midgard with his soul to scare citizens and lower down the christmas spirits.

Dancers Invasion:
Hypnotized Dancer will appear in any town every 3 hours, Midgardians need to stop them.


Stop them and gather hallowring's soul.


Good Ol' Jacquet:


Jacquet( nif_fild01 185 61) has detected the presence of hallowring in the midgard and is currently visiting Midgard to gather the pumpkins.

You can exchange 10 Pieces of Pumpkin or 5 Hallowring Soul to gather exciting stuff.

Pumpkin Invasion:
With the presence of hallowring's soul in the midgard, pumpkin seems to appear all around midgard. Remove all the pumpkins and exchange it with the Good Ol' Jacquet. (Be sure to talk to Jacquet before uprooting the pumpkins)



Prize List of different bags:

Baby Boo Sack:


Gooey Bag:
Bolt Ears:

Whisper Tail Hat:


Black Eremes Scarf:

Evil Druid Hat:



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