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The new MVP room & Crazy Event Rewards

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Good day everyone,

So there are concerns from some players that brought some issues to my attention. I will try to elaborate here on why are these things done.

The new MVP NPCs:

With the new set of world MVPs in the farming room, some players raised the concern regarding the issue of the

  • MVP cards will drop in price and it will make a bad economy.

Think about it, these MVPs were offered in BCA before this and how did it went? The price of them still declined anyway. However thats not the main point why this was implemented. The reason this was introduced is because of one purpose and that purpose only.

  1. To make these MVP cards more available to the normal player in RRO


Lets take the example of Ifrit card.

A normal player that joins and do not donate will just have 2 choices to get them in the game.

  1. Farm them according to their maps and respective cooldown timers. (Very hard/low chance)
  2. Buy them off players who own them with zeny/credits (Moderate, alot of farming effort for non donors)

A donator that joins and donate for credits will have these options to acquire it by

  1. Farm them according to their maps and respective cooldown timers. (Very hard/low chance)
  2. Buy them off players who own them with zeny/credits (Easy and not much effort required, buy credits and buy cards)
  3. Buy BCA and gamble to get the cards they want (Moderate, luck involved in gambling BCA)
  4. Getting it from Donor Boxes after they donated (Moderate, luck involved in opening Donor Boxes)

We want to cater to the majority and grow the RRO community by lowering the Power Gap between a Normal player & a Donate Player, therefore we choose to make the MVP cards more accessible for normal players to acquire them, which was the MVP room.

*The only exception in including MVP cards availability was "Custom quest MVPs cards shall NOT be easily available" because it will make the custom quests rewards further redundant and unecessary.


To bring it to perspective MVP cards have different level Tiers of power in their functionality:

Low tier MVP cards are like osiris, bapho, Pharoah, TG, Pheeroni. These cards some are staples, and some are just thrash that no one uses because there are better things out there in their replacement.

Mid tier MVP cards are like Ifrit, Teddy Baal, RSX pi, General Egnigem Cenia, Gloom. Most of them are usefull, and are necessary for general builds.

High tier MVP cards are like HWC, LKC, PWC, PKC, OKC. You know the HOLYWTFBBQ type of cards you get if you open it through BCA or get it by farming them. The must have cards in the game that everyone seeks.

Our intention is to make Low & Mid tier mvp cards more accessible to the general player base (normal players) so that they are able to gear and get the cards necessary for their build. Have a sense of progression after getting their basic gears starting off with the game.

We have no intention to make High tier MVP cards easily available to anyone. They are ultra rare and suppose to stay that way because they are powerful cards that can turn the tide on battles. These are the 'end game cards' that players strive to get, you need to put in alot of effort or be very rich to own these type of cards.


But but but..... how about the economy of MVP cards?

Value for the new MVPs that are included in the MVP room will definitely drop and level out to a standard pricing, this means good news for the general player and bad news for the market manipulators, which is intended.

Market manipulators would just have to find for a new value item catergory to do their buy & sell for huge profits.

This is just how it is going to be moving forward, we are not adopting the old RRO ways with an economy based on the availability of BCA mvp cards, period.



The Crazy Giveaway Events Rewards:

Some players are complaining about having +10 end game equipement given out easily at such an early time of the game. Our reason for these reward events was:

  1. As an additional compensation on top of refunds, for equipment losses before the server got stolen and player data got wiped.
  2. Was meant to give players a kickstart on their gearing ventures since we are starting from scratch.

We have no intention to give out said rewards after 2 weeks as stated in our announcement

This means there will be a finite number of +10 items being awarded. It definitely will not spoil the market prices for these items in the mid and long term through time.

On an additional note, we are reviewing the requirements of the quests/pre-quest to get these said gears, most likely we will lower the requirements needed to enter places like Hall of Abyss, lower quest requirement to unlock Biolab4 and so on. Everything is still under the stage of review and will be announced after decisions are made. All for the reason to make every content in RRO more accesible to the normal player.


Balance & Fixes



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understood but this will be bad news for the donators coz I pay to win i dont have time to play and play and win.. what i can do is donate which is you know its good for the server as well.. and will have edge on the non-donators well if that is your aim.. i hope you will give like me a better reason to spend some real cash

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This maybe will affect donating players but will absolutely affect non donating players. Regular players are just as important to the well being and longevity of the server as donations. Otherwise it turns into a weird circlejerk to see who spends more cash, and if you are unable to spend cash, you might as well jump to one of the many, many servers available who won't cast those players out. Then RRO dies and your spent money is lost anyway.

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3 minutes ago, caloyski said:

understood but this will be bad news for the donators coz I pay to win i dont have time to play and play and win.. what i can do is donate which is you know its good for the server as well.. and will have edge on the non-donators well if that is your aim.. i hope you will give like me a better reason to spend some real cash

Donate upper mid and lower are already a big reason to seperate you and the normal crowd isnt it? Plus donators buy credits to get hard to get items in game from sellers (which is the most important aspect for donators) so that they dont have to farm for it.

Yes i understand your concerns but you have to understand ours too, by making the gameplay donators centered the server will eventually end up how it was previously. We are in no way in favour of that.

Donators should have an Edge, not Domination over the game.

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15 minutes ago, GM LArc said:

Donate upper mid and lower are already a big reason to seperate you and the normal crowd isnt it? Plus donators buy credits to get hard to get items in game from sellers (which is the most important aspect for donators) so that they dont have to farm for it.

Yes i understand your concerns but you have to understand ours too, by making the gameplay donators centered the server will eventually end up how it was previously. We are in no way in favour of that.

Donators should have an Edge, not Domination over the game.

yeah like what ive said an EDGE.. I trust what you do is the best for your game.. thats just my 2 cents maybe 3..

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While its true that donors should have an EDGE and not DOMINATION over the game, to keep it exciting, it is also unfair for certain donors, like me for example, who doesn't have time to be joining your events all the time. I know a level 9 donor is not much, but I have had quite impressive gears years back. And now to see the gears I saved, and farmed for weeks, if not months, given away, for free. A +10. 

So people like me, who doesn't have all the luxury of time, living in a different timezone, doesn't deserve compensation? I dont know what I'm gonna do with 100,000 LIMITED points anyway

While I know it is not possible to satisfy everyone, but I think this is extremely unfair, for people like me, or Caloyski over there. 

Its good that you made the exp event to shave off the time taken for leveling. But if you think that giving away those +10 EQs are not going to create DOMINATION, maybe think again :) 

I have been in PVP almost all the time back in the days, and I can tell you what better gears do. 

Just a simple example: If I remembered correctly, I can dish out at least 20-25k per hit on average using double strafing using Goblin Bow. I have tried all the other bows, they dont. IDK if that number is shitty now, but back then its definitely not in the shitty leagues. 

Edited by pampimon
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9 hours ago, pampimon said:

While its true that donors should have an EDGE and not DOMINATION over the game, to keep it exciting, it is also unfair for certain donors, like me for example, who doesn't have time to be joining your events all the time. I know a level 9 donor is not much, but I have had quite impressive gears years back. And now to see the gears I saved, and farmed for weeks, if not months, given away, for free. A +10. 

So people like me, who doesn't have all the luxury of time, living in a different timezone, doesn't deserve compensation? I dont know what I'm gonna do with 100,000 LIMITED points anyway

While I know it is not possible to satisfy everyone, but I think this is extremely unfair, for people like me, or Caloyski over there. 

Its good that you made the exp event to shave off the time taken for leveling. But if you think that giving away those +10 EQs are not going to create DOMINATION, maybe think again :) 

I have been in PVP almost all the time back in the days, and I can tell you what better gears do. 

Just a simple example: If I remembered correctly, I can dish out at least 20-25k per hit on average using double strafing using Goblin Bow. I have tried all the other bows, they dont. IDK if that number is shitty now, but back then its definitely not in the shitty leagues. 

The GM/ADM are planning to restrict the number of awards that go out in total as to not break the game so I'd like to trust that this issue you have brought up will be handled appropriately. I totally agree that there is definitely a lack of fairness in this giveaway event though. I think all players with old accounts should be offered a fair chance to win some compensation. It isn't fair that people in certain time-zones are being left out. As someone who now works, I do not have the luxury to login whenever I need to and the biggest problem is the events are being run at the SAME time every day. Since the rewards from the giveaway event are quite limited in quantity, I hope that there will be other events in the near future that will compensate all the other old accounts/players that have decided to stick with this server. I think this will also help to bring people back, especially those who are uncertain about starting from scratch.


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Hi Larc, it might also be great if all the MVP card's cedi points value that are available in the MVP Rooms will all be at 250 cedi points. Currently we have cards in there that has a 500 cedi points value (Golden Thief Bug Card) and 1,000 cedi points value (Ifrit Card).

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