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brotheroon last won the day on March 16 2018

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About brotheroon

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  1. Now the compensation has been delivered. How do you think? Satisfied or ? Well i would say "wkwwkwkwkwkw"
  2. Or how about you learn to read other QUESTION? Sorry if you are one of NEET people who can't distinguish between Question and Complain
  3. It may be necessary to add screenshot for better solution
  4. bump. in this server you have to even bump a post in announcement thread to get an answer.
  5. Thank you for the hard work. Are ahura and biolabs basement 1 also fixed? Is there any particular reason for this? Slave monsters in MVP Arena may not drop loot anymore .
  6. yeah this server is only 1 month old and yet some decisions have been questionable. 1. crazy giveaway --->dont worry i got +10 spec so less biased 2. expiration date of LPP --> ?? why ??. not thinking about future returning player? 3. putting major MVPs in mvp room ---> thanks now BB is useless 4. BCA --> what BCA? 5. This
  7. Ok, GM you got me because this is only usual sale. Seriously, when is the actual Black Friday Sale or Black Friday-like Sale? Price up on some items? Please double check before post
  8. I want these items to be available separately https://wiki.rebirth.ro/wiki/Skill_Lucky_Box I understand that this box was intended so player could get headgear regardless its sprite or effect for cheaper price. but for those who want specific effect or sprite this is completely gamble. i am not saying complete demolish of box just make the items inside sold separately like it was used to be
  9. How to buy donated cards like Valkyrie, Thanatos or other?
  10. Is it possible to add these? ・Stuffed Panda ・Floppy Bunny ・Pink Pochi Hat I know these headgears are inside skill lucky box but I dont want to gamble
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