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Guest Nebula

Write a Guide!

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Guest Nebula



Hello Earthlings,

It's time for another community event, and this one focuses on guides!
Are you particularly skilled in a job or in a particular instance? Write a guide and get a prize for your knowledge and work~

How does it work?

In a comment below you can find a list of needed guides and requirements. Choose one and get writing!
Once you're done post it in the appropriate [Guide] section and reply to this thread with the link.



  • The guide must be in English.
  • Length doesn't matter, as long as all required information is there, but don't make it too short either.
  • Give correct information. Misleading info will make your guide unacceptable.
  • Subjective information must be labeled as such. (preceded with “I believe...”, “in my opinion”, or similar)
  • Post the guide in the correct section.
  • You can write more than one guide.
  • In the case of multiple guides being written for the same job, the GM team will choose the most helpful and well written one.
  • You can't use multiple accounts to post guides.
  • The guides must be new (not old, already posted ones)


How to win?
In order to win, your guide must:

  • Meet the requirements
  • Follow the rules
  • Be understandable
  • Be helpful


What are the prizes?

Prizes have various tiers depending on how many winning guides you write.

Tier 1 - 1 guide: 500 Premium Points, 5 Event Points and 20 Vote/Community Points.

Tier 2 - 3 guides: Tier 1 rewards + 1x any event equipment from past events

Tier 3 - 5 guides: Tier 2 rewards + 1x any costume (except exclusive ones - eg. Amberknight, Donor Box, etc.)

All participants will receive 10 Community Points.

The event will go on until October 31st, 11:59 PM server time (UTC+8).

Get writing!
Good luck and have fun~

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Guest Nebula

Category 1: PvP


  • War of Emperium (WoE)
  • General Player vs Player (PvP)
  • Battlegrounds (BG)

For each subcategory, you can choose:

  • Sniper
  • Gypsy/Clown
  • Lord Knight
  • Paladin
  • High Priest
  • Champion
  • Creator
  • Whitesmith
  • Assassin Cross
  • Stalker
  • High Wizard
  • Professor
  • Gunslinger
  • Super Novice
  • Ninja
  • Taekwon/Star Gladiator
  • Soul Linker
  • Super Novice
  • Baby Classes


  • Description of the job's main/your preferred role in the subcategory you choose
  • Equipment and/or consumables
  • Build: Skills and Stats
  • Your In Game Name (IGN)
  • Optional: screenshots/illustrations/videos
  • To be posted in the related job forum section


Category 2: PvM - instances


  • Cedi MvP System
  • Royal Dispatch Quests (RDC)
  • Dimensional Gap Instances (Dali)
  • Etc!


  • Description of the job's role in said instance
  • Equipment and/or consumables
  • Build: Skills and Stats
  • Your In Game Name (IGN)
  • Optional: screenshots/illustrations/videos
  • To be posted in the Quests Guide section of the forum

Category 3: PvM - MvPs, custom maps, quests


  • Notoriety Quest
  • Hall of Abyss
  • Melanis
  • Sealed MvPs
  • Etc!


  • Description of the job's effectiveness and strategy
  • Equipment and/or consumables
  • Build: Skills and Stats
  • Your In Game Name (IGN)
  • Optional: screenshots/videos
  • To be posted in the Quests Guide section or in the related job forum section of the forum
  • Note: Guides for the same Subcategory from the same user will only count as one entry (eg: Guide from the same user for Hall of the Abyss for Priest and Sniper, will only count as one entry)
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54 minutes ago, Kecikk said:

What use of Community Points?


Community Points is a replacement for vote points, we disabled voting a while ago for various reasons, community points just comes as replacement for it!

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4 hours ago, KittyBoy said:

Community Points is a replacement for vote points, we disabled voting a while ago for various reasons, community points just comes as replacement for it!

Oh...so now how to obtain those? only from this forum? event? or there are some other way? NVM...just found...

Edited by Kecikk
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Isn't that a bit less for a guide tho? It is missing a bit the explanation of the class, what to do facing different enemies, what to do when they counter you, etc.

What other equipments to use if you didn't got that stuff yet (as you said there the upper for example was limited sale, what to do if I didn't got that), or consumables to use.

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41 minutes ago, gcq said:

Isn't that a bit less for a guide tho? It is missing a bit the explanation of the class, what to do facing different enemies, what to do when they counter you, etc.

What other equipments to use if you didn't got that stuff yet (as you said there the upper for example was limited sale, what to do if I didn't got that), or consumables to use.

I will update it slowly thanks for the information I was kinda tired when making it I will add more description and screenshot tommorow 

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