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Guest Nebula

Prontera Invasion: Screenshot event!

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In these last couple of weeks of the Prontera Invasion event we're hosting a Screenshot Event here in the forums!

How does it work?

Take a screenshot related to event.

Edit it to make it as funny, as interesting or as beautiful as possible. You can add text, memes, draw on it, whatever your mind desires.
Only 1 entry and 1 screenshot per person is allowed so do your best!

Make an account if you don't have one, and post the image as a reply to this thread.

Look at other people's entries too and use the "Like" reaction on the ones you like the most.


  • Only ONE screenshot is allowed per person.
  • Keep the edit safe for work and without profanities. Other than that, you're free to do whatever you want.
  • Don't use multiple forum accounts to post your entry or to like other entries. We will check.
  • Editing your entry after submitting it is allowed, but only once.

How to win?

The GM team will choose several winners depending on how many people join the event. The most funny, interesting, weird, beautiful screenshots according to the GM team will win!

The community can choose a winner too: the entry with the most "Like" reaction will win~

What are the prizes?

Each winner will receive 500 Premium Points and the permanent version of a costume of their choice from the Prontera Invasion event.
On top of that, the screenshots will be showcased as a loading screen!

Everyone who will participate will get 1 [The King's Remnant] box.


Here's an example:


(Sorry for brutally murdering you guys for this!)


You have until September 20th 11:59 PM (UTC+8) to join, so get your screenshot key ready and go screenshotting next time you join the event!

Also, this event was suggested by @gcq. Thank you for the idea and contributing to Revival's community!

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Earthlings, it's now time to announce the winners!

We thank everyone again for partecipating in this event, it was very fun to see all the entries and we hope you had fun making them too!
We will definitely hold more events like this one in the future~!


As a reminder: out of 12 entries total, the GM team chose two entries as the winners of this event.
The community also got to choose, as one person will be the winner based on how many "Like" reactions their entry got!

Each winner will receive 500 Premium Points and the permanent version of a costume of their choice from the Prontera Invasion event.
On top of that, their screenshots will be showcased as a loading screen!


Now now, no more talking, let's announce the winners~

The entry chosen by the community, with 14 likes...

On 9/4/2019 at 1:43 PM, Ridonculous said:

IGN: Social Climber

Purple Dino [Ancy]: RAWR! Destroy!!
Gei Zod: YAMERO!!!


It's @Ridonculous! Congratulations~

A nice and funny picture, we can only wish Prontera Invasion was as epic as a giant Barney the Dinosaur attacking it!

Moving on to the winners chosen by the GM team!
There were many good entries. It was a hard choice, but ultimately we chose two entries that particularly stood out to us:

One of the winners chosen by the GM team is...

On 9/4/2019 at 6:30 PM, Cristina118 said:

Hi friends! Here's my take on the Prontera Invasion. Please like :) IGN: Breadstix


It's @Cristina118! Congratulations~

It seems like the herb curse really resonated with the GM team! Also, the comic-like format, the editing and the special effects on top of a funny situation... We loved it!

The second and last winner chosen by the GM team is...

On 9/5/2019 at 3:58 PM, Prod said:

Like it or else your next! 😜 


It's @Prod! Congratulations~

Call Isayama! Stop Eren&co! The titan problem is solved, and by none other than an High Priest who kinda looks familiar!? Is that you, Goku?
We really loved this funny picture!


And that's all, earthlings!
Don't fret if you didn't win, you will still get 1 [The King's Remnant] box for participating! And you can still try next time~

The winners and the other participants will be contacted in the next few days to get your details so we can send out the prizes.

Have a wonderful day, and have fun on RevivalRO!

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Guest Crystalline
4 hours ago, masterchief143 said:

madam GM i didnt get one...(king remnants box as one of the participants) i need fire muffler &+& ign: mr Ensui Ver2 (whitesmith) tia.

Hello @masterchief143 

The prices were sent through Zotar so make sure to check the NPC~
If the **The King's Remnant** Box is still not sent/found, please contact us in either Discord or Helpdesk!

I hope that helps,

Have a nice day 💖

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