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Hey look! That's my art!

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Hello everyone!

The time has come for another Art Event - Hey look! That's my art!! In this event, we are welcoming everyone to submit artworks with a possibility to have your art featured in-game or for RevivalRO websites.

We are looking into 3 categories for the artworks; Card art, Login or Loading Screen art, and General art.


Card art


For this category, you may look in game for monster cards without existing art and submit an artwork for it. To see whether a card has any existing art, you can right click the card and click the 'View' button on the top left corner of the box and you will see a 'Sorry now printing' sign. If you happen not to have the card, you may for example, @ii purplering card and @id 51867 to check the card.


Login/loading screen art


There is no specific theme for this category.

The image should be sized to 1280 x 960 or higher.

The server name 'RevivalRO' should be included in the art.


General art


There is no specific theme or even size for this category. Artworks submitted under this category may be in form of banners or background for our patcher or any other general art that does not fall under the previous two categories. Feel free to submit any kind of artworks under this category.


Rewards for each category:
1st Place: Costume: Artist Hat + 30 Event Points
2nd Place: 20 Event Points
3rd Place: 10 Event Points

* Additional prizes may be added. Subject to number of participants and quality of entries.

All participants will receive: 5 Community Points + 50 Pancakes

One overall winner by community vote will be rewarded with 'Famous Artist' for in-game achievement title.

Worthy artworks will get a chance to negotiate artwork value with the Staff Team.


How to participate:
1. Post your artworks under this topic. Artworks posted elsewhere will not be counted.
2. When posting your artwork, please include:

  • Title and short description for the artwork
  • Which category your art goes to
  • Your IGN in your post so we can easily contact and send the prizes to all participants.


Rules and requirements:
1. Each person may submit multiple artworks and under different categories.
2. Be as creative as you can, be but it MUST be an ORIGINAL artwork of yours and has not been used elsewhere.
3. Artwork submitted has to be in digital form. If it's hand-drawn, it has to be scanned.
4. Fully coloured artworks are preferred. However, black-and-white or sketches are also welcomed.
5. Sexually suggestive arts are not allowed.

6. This event lasts until 25th June 2020 23:59 server time

By submitting your artworks, you are considered to authorize them to be used by the server in any of their forms for in-game or promotional purposes. Proper credits will be given to the artists. If you do not agree to this term, please do not submit your artworks.

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The prizes are very "cheap"... 30 event points? really? How is that going to motivate the artists to participate in this event?
I recall in the old server, me and mel a.k.a. gcq were paid more than our art's worth.

We participated in making loading screens before and we were paid with creds not some cheap event points.
Also when GM Lux from the old server commissioned us to make art for cards, we were paid 20c-30c for each card.

A Costume Artist Hat( if it's ugly it aint worth it coz there are so many cool costumes out there ) and 30 Event points. Do we even need that?
I do like the Title Famous Artist tho but still don't need it, because I was famous back then for making art.
might as well make a big sign "HEY I'M A FAMOUS ARTIST!" and I can just simply change my guild title to "Famous Artist".

"Worthy artworks will get a chance to negotiate artwork value with the Staff Team."

Sounds very shady. If the art is not deemed worthy based on how you judge the art, it's gonna make the artist feel really bad. Trust me! *raises the red flag*
you should just keep it simple like

1st prize 50c + 10 EP
2nd prize 25c + 10 EP
3rd prize 10c + 10 EP

Other participants will just get 10 EP for their effort.

Edited by Von Sky
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Well to sum it a bit better up; the prizes are basically too underwhelming.

(And yes I understood the second part with "you can negotiate with GMs since they buy your art")

But the point of an event is; give people a shiny nice prize in luring them into participate. 30 EP is not luring at all (for the most people, I mean let's be real, that shop needs a revamp too -like the whole server-). I mean, what would get your attention? Having 5c as prize or 50c?


And yes I agree on that last note with Vonneh, from an artist perspective that "negotiate" sounds so shady. I know you guys didn't meant to make it sound so shady, but it feels, since, who tells me that we get to a reasonable price together. And then on a second thought, IF you were willing to pay that negotiated price, then why not just made it a fix main event prize in the first place? That would lure in probably a lot more people.

Who defines if my art is "worthy"? What if my skill level isn't that high, that might discourage some since they could think like "my art isn't worth anyways".



On a side note; I had also said that event has way too much going on for that short time (Card Art, Load Screen AND whatever that patcher thingy falls into); that should had been 3 separate contests, with maybe 3 different sets of prizes (maybe even 3 different costumes and titles?).

Also I still demand a picture of that Artist Costume hat. :v


Rant over, have a nice day.

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10 minutes ago, gcq said:

On a side note; I had also said that event has way too much going on for that short time (Card Art, Load Screen AND whatever that patcher thingy falls into); that should had been 3 separate contests, with maybe 3 different sets of prizes (maybe even 3 different costumes and titles?).

I agree. It seems a bit to much to ask for a Loading Screen, Card... etc. for just 1 Prize.

The prizes for loading screens and card art should be separate because some artists might be good at one thing than the other.
And card arts are so small and not hard to make, so maybe lower the prize for that and put a high prize for the loading screen because that will definitely take a lot of time and effort to make.

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9 hours ago, Von Sky said:

The prizes are very "cheap"... 30 event points? really? How is that going to motivate the artists to participate in this event?
I recall in the old server, me and mel a.k.a. gcq were paid more than our art's worth.

We participated in making loading screens before and we were paid with creds not some cheap event points.
Also when GM Lux from the old server commissioned us to make art for cards, we were paid 20c-30c for each card.

A Costume Artist Hat( if it's ugly it aint worth it coz there are so many cool costumes out there ) and 30 Event points. Do we even need that?
I do like the Title Famous Artist tho but still don't need it, because I was famous back then for making art.
might as well make a big sign "HEY I'M A FAMOUS ARTIST!" and I can just simply change my guild title to "Famous Artist".

"Worthy artworks will get a chance to negotiate artwork value with the Staff Team."

Sounds very shady. If the art is not deemed worthy based on how you judge the art, it's gonna make the artist feel really bad. Trust me! *raises the red flag*
you should just keep it simple like

1st prize 50c + 10 EP
2nd prize 25c + 10 EP
3rd prize 10c + 10 EP

Other participants will just get 10 EP for their effort.

If we keep it as simple as 50/25/10c for 1st/2nd/3rd prize, then if there are 3 arts that are already submitted here, other artworks will be discouraged.

We want to make sure that each art submitted here should have fair chance to participate. 

Also, on your point, about the "worthy" word, there's many times where art is simple enough but creative, or detailed, if we go by votes or something, both can land into 1st place, but having their own value based on efforts gives the chance to gain something for simple arts as well as detailed arts too.

5 hours ago, gcq said:

Well to sum it a bit better up; the prizes are basically too underwhelming.

(And yes I understood the second part with "you can negotiate with GMs since they buy your art")

But the point of an event is; give people a shiny nice prize in luring them into participate. 30 EP is not luring at all (for the most people, I mean let's be real, that shop needs a revamp too -like the whole server-). I mean, what would get your attention? Having 5c as prize or 50c?


And yes I agree on that last note with Vonneh, from an artist perspective that "negotiate" sounds so shady. I know you guys didn't meant to make it sound so shady, but it feels, since, who tells me that we get to a reasonable price together. And then on a second thought, IF you were willing to pay that negotiated price, then why not just made it a fix main event prize in the first place? That would lure in probably a lot more people.

Who defines if my art is "worthy"? What if my skill level isn't that high, that might discourage some since they could think like "my art isn't worth anyways".



On a side note; I had also said that event has way too much going on for that short time (Card Art, Load Screen AND whatever that patcher thingy falls into); that should had been 3 separate contests, with maybe 3 different sets of prizes (maybe even 3 different costumes and titles?).

Also I still demand a picture of that Artist Costume hat. :v


Rant over, have a nice day.

I see your first point of not luring the participants, but what if we just had 3 prize and 3 great artworks are already submitted? that would also discourage new participants, so having fixed price is something that was taken off the list. 

Also, It's not everyone niche to do loading screen/etc, some people likes to do all, some might have particular niche.

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18 hours ago, Optimus Prime said:

If we keep it as simple as 50/25/10c for 1st/2nd/3rd prize, then if there are 3 arts that are already submitted here, other artworks will be discouraged.

It is a contest and we're already discouraged because of the prizes. On the negative side, other artist might be discouraged especially if they see other artist did better than their work they might think "oh he/she did a good job I'm not gonna win this and the prize is not even worth it." or other artist might be inspired to do better than the other artist if they see their work.

And don't assume that people are going to trust you or whoever is judging the art work because we don't have the same point of view of the word "worthy".
We just can't simply put a lot of effort in making art thinking "is this worthy enough?" What is worthy? Art is very flexible and it can be anything.

Not everyone is a good artist and they are especially the ones that put in a lot of effort because they want to be better.

Artist A did a good job and it took 5 hours to finish his/her piece.
Artist B didn't do a good job but he/she really put in a lot of effort and it took a few days to finish.

It's either Artist A wins the prize because he/she did an amazing job in such little time then Artist B feels bad because he/she lost and wasted a lot of time and effort or
Artist A loses because judges think the artist didn't put a lot of effort and giving the prize to Artist B because he/she worked so hard for it and still makes the other artist feel bad.

In the old server there was no such thing as "Worthy artworks will get a chance to negotiate artwork value with the Staff Team."
Chance? Like there's no 100% guarantee we can negotiate?
There was NO negotiations back then! If you want to "negotiate" people are gonna be honest start demanding things.
If you say "you're art is worth 50c-100c" the artist would definitely say 100c! or the artist might demand cash. You might as well commission the artist since you are talking about "buying" the art if it's worthy. Some of us don't even have jobs anymore because of the pandemic.

It doesn't feel like an art contest it feels like a business deal or something.

Edited by Von Sky
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1 hour ago, Optimus Prime said:

If we keep it as simple as 50/25/10c for 1st/2nd/3rd prize, then if there are 3 arts that are already submitted here, other artworks will be discouraged.

We want to make sure that each art submitted here should have fair chance to participate. 

Also, on your point, about the "worthy" word, there's many times where art is simple enough but creative, or detailed, if we go by votes or something, both can land into 1st place, but having their own value based on efforts gives the chance to gain something for simple arts as well as detailed arts too.

I see your first point of not luring the participants, but what if we just had 3 prize and 3 great artworks are already submitted? that would also discourage new participants, so having fixed price is something that was taken off the list. 

Also, It's not everyone niche to do loading screen/etc, some people likes to do all, some might have particular niche.


"If we keep it as simple as 50/25/10c for 1st/2nd/3rd prize, then if there are 3 arts that are already submitted here, other artworks will be discouraged."

(Frankly that is one of the reasons I never join art contests HA)

Jokes aside tho, that is why it's called a contest. People compete with another to gain the prizes. To give their best to have a chance to gain that prizes. That's why Von and me kinda try to shift that a bit, coz right now you have basically no ambition to compete.


"We want to make sure that each art submitted here should have fair chance to participate."

In a contest, by default ALL art has a fair chance. If it doesn't, then it's not the fault by artist X being more talented but by the judges honestly. By that logic, I am never allowed to join any contest anymore, since I am subjectively more talented and might give others a not fair chance. If you don't want "discourage" people; then don't call it contest and make a "we want commission artists for the following" post.


"Also, on your point, about the "worthy" word, there's many times where art is simple enough but creative, or detailed, if we go by votes or something, both can land into 1st place, but having their own value based on efforts gives the chance to gain something for simple arts as well as detailed arts too."

The worthy part was aimed for the negotiate, not the placings. Also, if more then one art hits first place, why not reward both equal then? (For Load screens it can work easily; Card art would be more difficult since only one can be in game in the end)

The whole worthy problem is; you guys say you give a CHANCE to negotiate. But what happen if you can't find a common ground with the artist? This whole thing might open up more problems and makes it more complicated as it needs to be (example, just offer a fix prize the artist agrees on by joining the whole event).


I" see your first point of not luring the participants, but what if we just had 3 prize and 3 great artworks are already submitted? that would also discourage new participants, so having fixed price is something that was taken off the list."

See my first and second respond.


"Also, It's not everyone niche to do loading screen/etc, some people likes to do all, some might have particular niche."

In all honesty, this whole thing had might been A LOT easier, if you just had make it a card contest (like we had a bunch in the past already); and simultaneously a "we hire artists for LoadScreens/Patcher/Webpage artwork" post. Right now it feels like all is stuffed in one contest for the sake of it.


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3 minutes ago, gcq said:

The whole worthy problem is; you guys say you give a CHANCE to negotiate. But what happen if you can't find a common ground with the artist? This whole thing might open up more problems and makes it more complicated as it needs to be (example, just offer a fix prize the artist agrees on by joining the whole event).

I totally agree with this.

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On 5/13/2020 at 9:26 PM, Not said:

One overall winner by community vote will be rewarded with 'Famous Artist' for in-game achievement title.


An Achievement title should have been given to winners of Guide event for their efforts.

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On 6/15/2020 at 8:54 PM, 3MPIR3 said:

Title: Itty Bitty Poring City
Category: Login/Loading Screen Art
IGN: Jin Mori

Itty Bitty Poring.jpg

So I guess stealing art from google and copy/paste poring sprites from wiki is legal? You know, if you're going to participate in a contest you should at least use your OWN resources and not STEAL from the internet... Somebody owns this beautiful forest background and you're using it to participate in a contest without even giving credit to the original owner of this art.

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-Qdy-KD4eH24%2FW78GvmeCVyI%2FAAAAAAAAEBU%2F1Ig8PwvgyA8f9m3dHppwiO952AQ0H_nmACLcBGAs%2Fs1600%2Fc_bg_0002.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fanimelandscape.blogspot.com%2F2018%2F10%2Fgreen-forest-anime-background.html&tbnid=INqf1O7NWMwIDM&vet=12ahUKEwjgoe_r2IjqAhVIyZQKHbUFC14QMygDegUIARDVAQ..i&docid=1iX8KEgkawIIKM&w=1280&h=720&q=anime forest&ved=2ahUKEwjgoe_r2IjqAhVIyZQKHbUFC14QMygDegUIARDVAQ

Edited by Von Sky
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17 hours ago, 3MPIR3 said:

Calm down hahaha

I am calm, I'm just honest and nobody here has the guts to tell you that what you're doing is wrong!

When it comes to participating an ART CONTEST you should always do the following:

1. You should post a step by step process of your work to prove that you own it. So that the GMs can also make sure that you are the original owner of the artwork.
Make sure it's legit because IF the GMs are going to buy your work, THEY MIGHT NOT WANT TO BUY SOMETHING THAT IS STOLEN!
If they are not going to buy it, then they can just give you EP as a prize which is still a cheap ass prize and that's a fact!

2. Do not steal photos from the internet but you are allowed to use them as references or use it as an inspiration for your artwork.

You really think nobody is going to find out you stole that forest background? I just googled "anime forest background" and there it is.


On 5/13/2020 at 11:56 PM, Not said:


Rules and requirements:
1. Each person may submit multiple artworks and under different categories.
2. Be as creative as you can be, but it MUST be an ORIGINAL artwork of yours and has not been used elsewhere.
3. Artwork submitted has to be in digital form. If it's hand-drawn, it has to be scanned.
4. Fully coloured artworks are preferred. However, black-and-white or sketches are also welcomed.
5. Sexually suggestive arts are not allowed.

6. This event lasts until 25th June 2020 23:59 server time

Please be fair!

Edited by Von Sky
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