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WoE Times and you

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Okay so guys what do you think of, having Two WoE, AM/PM like previous times however PM time may get changed to be same as now so AM Favor Non-Asian and PM Favor Asians, 3 Days WoE with AM/PM Castles are different so we don't favor a timezone, 2 castles per each WoE, and rotating cities each week, except for WoE 2 where it rotates every two weeks.

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I'd personally prefer to have a day favored for asians, a day for americans and a day for europeans. I live in europe and I have a job meaning I can't really go to stores during the week days so that happens in the weekend. Obviously that doesn't happen at night but during the currently proposed woe times. I hope you understand.

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In the old server HoA was available for all after wednesday WoE2 and closed again on saturday. After saturday WoE2 you could enter if your guild had a castle in the realm or if enough zeny was invested. Having it open for all for a certain period of time/when fully invested could keep the amount of castles open during WoE low while keeping HoA available.

4 hours ago, KittyBoy said:

3 Days WoE with AM/PM Castles are different so we don't favor a timezone, 2 castles per each WoE, and rotating cities each week

Yes to this. No to PM for favoring asians. You're neglecting europeans like this.

Also please stop favoring asian (specifically SEA region) all the time. I understand you try to reel in new players but you don't seem to notice how this is also shunning away your current loyal non asian playerbase. I joined this server because the official language was english and the WoE times worked for me. Now it became a NEW ASIA SERVER with popups asking you to join malay or filipino channel (sure this is fixed now but the focus on asian player base is still obvious). The server still has a lot of work to be done, would be great if that gets done first and then focus on getting new players from whatever continent you prefer.

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Hello , this is my lil opinion:

The first test of Woe wasn’t good because:

Days: Problem: There’s no guild leader I’ve met in all these years of playing that can handle 3 days of Woe. Some guilds might have a back up guild leader to replace them when they can’t Woe, but that just brings this trouble on all guilds. Tip: It’s much better if we had 2 days a week of Woe- This is what most guild leaders can handle. Castles: Problem: Like how it happened in the old server, having less amount of castles sux. Why? Not even a medium level player would want to join a new guild who has a 0% chance of being able to get a castle. This is my observation of the first test of Woe: There were 2 castles. Currently there are 2 large Woe guilds (OWN and TH) which have a chance of getting those castles. Each guild only has 36 spaces for members which in total only 72 people can Woe in OWN and TH. If the OWN and TH is full everyone else has to join the smaller membered guilds. So what’s the trouble with that? Smaller membered guilds will have very little chance of being able to compete for 2 castles against larger membered guilds. (Obviously) So in the end what’s the point of Woe for them when only 2 guilds can get the 2 castles and they can’t? Tips: Atm I would say the best number would be around 4-5 castles (I think 5 more) Some argue that having more castles means there will be less battling, but that’s not true because no guild will hide/hostage in a castle for the 2 whole hours, so there will be enough battling.

Timing: Problem: The 3 Woe times were only good for Asian players and not for USA/Euro players and if that wasn’t bad enough even the Asian players I heard, didn’t like the time either. 21-23pm some people have school and for some it’s quite late. I think it’s important to watch the current gaming of your server: There are 2 large guilds that currently Woe at this point; The Hunters (Is a mix of Euro/USA players) Owning (Is mostly made up of Asian players) 9/11 pm server time is 2/4 pm in Europe time (make woe 1 and 2 withthis timing its bad anycase) And its night/early morning for USA players

Tips: We can go back to the old REAL Woe timings (As most people could join) I understand that since the server is mostly Asian, we should cater to their timing more. So a nicer time would be: (without excluding the lesser population from Euro/USA) 7-9 am/pm server time Which is 12-2 am/pm Europe time and 6-8 am/pm in USA time with 2 Woe and 2 days of Woe within a week. (I know this is not the best timing but at least its better than what the first test run was)

Regards , Perdono 

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To update this topic to the new time shedule, I will also edit the first post I guess.


Wednesday (3-5pm) / 8-10am Europe [Mardol Himmin]

Thursday (3-5am) / 8-10pm Europe [Cyr Andlangar]

Saturday (3-5pm) / 8-10am Europe [Kriem BA Reph Neus]

Sunday (3-5am) / 8-10pm Europe [Swan SP Eyol Hohen]


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So after we had some lovely woe times this weekend I wanna add some new thought on it.

Mainly for the number of castles. And I know some special people will be against it but hear first.


What I would like to suggest is to reduce the total castle number from 8 to 4.

I wasn't there on woe1 sat, but what I could tell from woe2 is, that 4 castles are way too much at the moment for 2 guilds mainly joining it. Right now we barely even had action to get fun in 1 castle.

And I know someone special will argue against it with like "but we need more castles so newer guilds have chances against the old pros" ... the problem is, right now, there are most likely NO other guilds. I mean there prolly can always be new castles open if there is more competition.


So my suggestion on this is, also to solve the HoA issue, how about opening on woe1 2 realms (dik Pront Alde) and on woe2 2 realsm (Payon Geffen).

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i dnt think so , this is cool atm , give some woe time first to say no action. 

quality over quantity .. lol so new players cant woe with this logic.

"And I know someone special will argue against it with like "but we need more castles so newer guilds have chances against the old pros""

dear u know well what will simply happen , as happening in most of this woe everyone will join in 1 guild (yours prolly) and there will not be "action" again.

better wait and give time.

Edited by Pao
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16 hours ago, gcq said:

So after we had some lovely woe times this weekend I wanna add some new thought on it.

Mainly for the number of castles. And I know some special people will be against it but hear first.


What I would like to suggest is to reduce the total castle number from 8 to 4.

I wasn't there on woe1 sat, but what I could tell from woe2 is, that 4 castles are way too much at the moment for 2 guilds mainly joining it. Right now we barely even had action to get fun in 1 castle.

And I know someone special will argue against it with like "but we need more castles so newer guilds have chances against the old pros" ... the problem is, right now, there are most likely NO other guilds. I mean there prolly can always be new castles open if there is more competition.


So my suggestion on this is, also to solve the HoA issue, how about opening on woe1 2 realms (dik Pront Alde) and on woe2 2 realsm (Payon Geffen).

Are you sure about what are you saying? Cause from the last two battle report, i Just saw 2 Guild that keep exchange their members (Neverend and Owning). There are a lot of Little guild, if you turn between the cities,  that obviouslty aren't ready to WoE comparated to The Hunters and Owning/Neverend. But everyone start from there, if you don't even give the chance at them to try fight and get something, how could they do. Just get incorporated by the big guilds. In my opinion in this moment is better wait and let it go on. The time schedule is fine for everyone (Thats what i'm thinking), the Hall of Abyss are opening up with calm. In my opinion for which castle open is fine now, cause everyone has 1 or 2 woe for try to get one of the interested Relam. If for example i need one castle of geffen but i can't do the WoE of Wed i will never be able to get it.

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5 hours ago, Pao said:

i dnt think so , this is cool atm , give some woe time first to say no action. 

quality over quantity .. lol so new players cant woe with this logic.

"And I know someone special will argue against it with like "but we need more castles so newer guilds have chances against the old pros""

dear u know well what will simply happen , as happening in most of this woe everyone will join in 1 guild (yours prolly) and there will not be "action" again.

better wait and give time.

You are forgetting one essential part in the "quality over quantity .. lol so new players cant woe with this logic."

Woe is suppose to be a COMPETITION. And in the nature of a competition there will be winners and losers. People either will grow on it and aim to be stronger or give up.


"as happening in most of this woe everyone will join in 1 guild (yours prolly)" And? People can join whatever guild they want. This is the whole scenario over again when FP made Bryn in old server and everyone joined the. You can't blame one big guild for that. If you are not making your guild appealing to others, it's not the fault of the other big one they joining.

And honestly it is a sad sign of life in woe when your own guild needs to split up in half coz that be more competition then fight a enemy guild.


Sure we can wait what time will show, but if woe be like that that Owning is chasing TH for 2h 'coz they don't even try to fight, then I better be off and draw. lol

3 hours ago, F r a b e n said:

Are you sure about what are you saying? Cause from the last two battle report, i Just saw 2 Guild that keep exchange their members (Neverend and Owning). There are a lot of Little guild, if you turn between the cities,  that obviouslty aren't ready to WoE comparated to The Hunters and Owning/Neverend. But everyone start from there, if you don't even give the chance at them to try fight and get something, how could they do. Just get incorporated by the big guilds. In my opinion in this moment is better wait and let it go on. The time schedule is fine for everyone (Thats what i'm thinking), the Hall of Abyss are opening up with calm. In my opinion for which castle open is fine now, cause everyone has 1 or 2 woe for try to get one of the interested Relam. If for example i need one castle of geffen but i can't do the WoE of Wed i will never be able to get it.

*that split up, statement above ^*

The thing is, the "There are a lot of Little guild, if you turn between the cities,  that obviouslty aren't ready to WoE " won't help the woe situation. It is the same argument as earlier in the thread bout the times when someone said "80% is asian"; well as nice that is, it doesn't matter if they won't show up.


"But everyone start from there, if you don't even give the chance at them to try fight and get something, how could they do. Just get incorporated by the big guilds" Agree with all start from there, the thing is just, if you don't even try, how can you grow and progress? And as sad it is, but this server is old, so there will be always one or two guilds that dominates. If we really would want to support something like that we would need split woe in newbie friendly and for oldies, but for that the servers way to small yet. lol


Tho, need say I agree on the realm split, tho I am still on my point 4 is too much.

1 hour ago, W i n t e r said:

making a woe guild was't easy it takes time and people to build on.  and having 2 castle per woe is suck. why not let it this way having 4 castle per woe so maybe lil guild can catch up on big guilds.

That might or might be not the case. That in all will depend on how busy the woe is. If there is no action at all the small guilds still can be overrun by a team of the big guild and be there with nothing. All in all it does not really matter how many castles there are. If a guild wants to conquer/hostage it they will find a way and the lil guild be on the short hand then.






I agree that the time will show what will happen. But if it keep be like that that all woe is just a hide'n'seek coz the enemy has no balls to defend/attack, then I personally rather stay off.

Since you guys gave your points why 4 is good, I will give mine (since I recently had a lovely convo with my fav GL and we had that for like 10min wkwkwkw)

Reducing the castles might (or might not no one can look in the future) give more competition, also even if a small guild will try to join, who says she can't try get in one of that two castles? And the other big guild (aka mainly Own and TH) fight in the other one. And yes I mean fight. Not a run over one time and never come back again :v < still salty about this from last time but I don't want rant now, so I shut

Also a argument that came not up here, but on personal convos with Perdono was the topic "being greedy". It has nothing to do with greed. If one guild gets more then another, it's coz they better then the other. That's it. As I said already above, in the end woe is a competition. And in all honesty, ofc I want the biggest amount of castles as GL, that's why we woe duh. :v


In the end if there more guilds woeing, the castles still could be increased. No one said that isn't a option. :v

Long story short, if only 2-3 guilds keep woeing (inc split offs), better reduce castles. If not, then welps not.


... kthxbai, I am already too long on this. meh

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3 hours ago, gcq said:

You are forgetting one essential part in the "quality over quantity .. lol so new players cant woe with this logic."

Woe is suppose to be a COMPETITION. And in the nature of a competition there will be winners and losers. People either will grow on it and aim to be stronger or give up.


"as happening in most of this woe everyone will join in 1 guild (yours prolly)" And? People can join whatever guild they want. This is the whole scenario over again when FP made Bryn in old server and everyone joined the. You can't blame one big guild for that. If you are not making your guild appealing to others, it's not the fault of the other big one they joining.

And honestly it is a sad sign of life in woe when your own guild needs to split up in half coz that be more competition then fight a enemy guild.


Sure we can wait what time will show, but if woe be like that that Owning is chasing TH for 2h 'coz they don't even try to fight, then I better be off and draw. lol

*that split up, statement above ^*

The thing is, the "There are a lot of Little guild, if you turn between the cities,  that obviouslty aren't ready to WoE " won't help the woe situation. It is the same argument as earlier in the thread bout the times when someone said "80% is asian"; well as nice that is, it doesn't matter if they won't show up.


"But everyone start from there, if you don't even give the chance at them to try fight and get something, how could they do. Just get incorporated by the big guilds" Agree with all start from there, the thing is just, if you don't even try, how can you grow and progress? And as sad it is, but this server is old, so there will be always one or two guilds that dominates. If we really would want to support something like that we would need split woe in newbie friendly and for oldies, but for that the servers way to small yet. lol


Tho, need say I agree on the realm split, tho I am still on my point 4 is too much.

That might or might be not the case. That in all will depend on how busy the woe is. If there is no action at all the small guilds still can be overrun by a team of the big guild and be there with nothing. All in all it does not really matter how many castles there are. If a guild wants to conquer/hostage it they will find a way and the lil guild be on the short hand then.






I agree that the time will show what will happen. But if it keep be like that that all woe is just a hide'n'seek coz the enemy has no balls to defend/attack, then I personally rather stay off.

Since you guys gave your points why 4 is good, I will give mine (since I recently had a lovely convo with my fav GL and we had that for like 10min wkwkwkw)

Reducing the castles might (or might not no one can look in the future) give more competition, also even if a small guild will try to join, who says she can't try get in one of that two castles? And the other big guild (aka mainly Own and TH) fight in the other one. And yes I mean fight. Not a run over one time and never come back again :v < still salty about this from last time but I don't want rant now, so I shut

Also a argument that came not up here, but on personal convos with Perdono was the topic "being greedy". It has nothing to do with greed. If one guild gets more then another, it's coz they better then the other. That's it. As I said already above, in the end woe is a competition. And in all honesty, ofc I want the biggest amount of castles as GL, that's why we woe duh. :v


In the end if there more guilds woeing, the castles still could be increased. No one said that isn't a option. :v

Long story short, if only 2-3 guilds keep woeing (inc split offs), better reduce castles. If not, then welps not.


... kthxbai, I am already too long on this. meh

I offer you my point of view through a metaphor,imagine we have a cake in front of us. If you make it to more slices more people will try to take it, while if you divide it in two ... xD
We are looking for more guilds, more varieties, more enemies, we want a large thing, for us but above all for the server. It would be nice for us to play Long Term not to have the server close early.
If we do not give the right space, little guilds can not be born or grow and they will never find the space and the desire to do it, "The castles can be added" but if people get tired or do not see chances as you think they can even just having the idea of creating a guild and making their own personal experiences.
Even Better the comfort joining or The Hunters or Owning will be automatic and the server will have no chance of long-term growth. We do not need to impose ourselves as the FPs were doing and how you are trying to imitate. The competitionit's one thing, imposing it is another thing.
You are accusing The Hunters of running away, at the moment you are and you have also confirmed it, a mix of guilds (TB, FP, Cheese Origins, Etc.), do you call this fight? Then you wonder why there are no other guilds ... xD
If you think like us to have more castles and then have more space, these mixes that are currently all brought together, would point to splitting in their personal guilds as it should be for the good of the Server.

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48 minutes ago, F r a b e n said:

I offer you my point of view through a metaphor,imagine we have a cake in front of us. If you make it to more slices more people will try to take it, while if you divide it in two ... xD
We are looking for more guilds, more varieties, more enemies, we want a large thing, for us but above all for the server. It would be nice for us to play Long Term not to have the server close early.
If we do not give the right space, little guilds can not be born or grow and they will never find the space and the desire to do it, "The castles can be added" but if people get tired or do not see chances as you think they can even just having the idea of creating a guild and making their own personal experiences.
Even Better the comfort joining or The Hunters or Owning will be automatic and the server will have no chance of long-term growth. We do not need to impose ourselves as the FPs were doing and how you are trying to imitate. The competitionit's one thing, imposing it is another thing.
You are accusing The Hunters of running away, at the moment you are and you have also confirmed it, a mix of guilds (TB, FP, Cheese Origins, Etc.), do you call this fight? Then you wonder why there are no other guilds ... xD
If you think like us to have more castles and then have more space, these mixes that are currently all brought together, would point to splitting in their personal guilds as it should be for the good of the Server.

Sure you want some cakes? But the cakes a lie tho ...

Making more slices is nice, but then imagine the big guy coming, pushing away the little kid that hat just took the cake. He has the piece and the small one not coz he cant fight.

In the end, it does not matter how many u split it up, as one guy said "QUALITY over QUANTITY" if you suck in woe, you will always sick (beside you start improve) and if there 5 empty castles coz the big guilds dont have enough last min teams then its not a improvement, it is just a sad constellation price.


"You are accusing The Hunters of running away, at the moment you are and you have also confirmed it, a mix of guilds (TB, FP, Cheese Origins, Etc.), do you call this fight? Then you wonder why there are no other guilds ... xD"

Ok for once and all since that always came up. (I know its going to be more off topic rant, but I will just post this once to make it clear)

OWNING NEVER RECRUITED ANYONE. They all came coz they wanted to. And it does not matter who you are, once you et invited you are part of that guild. And why does it even matter if its a "mix" or not, how you even define a mix and a original cast? What if all the "mix member " suddenly like it in own and want to stay? Are they then stil la mix or the original. People can join where they want.

Perdons told me he wants fight Owning. Well do it then. Work on it. Make your guild appealing. Owning is a "mix" now, and? Who cares. They all got the tiger emblem now, they all equally gay.

Also no, I don't call it a fight, coz now there is no fight, as I stated above as root of the problem. We should work on improvement and just be there call out.


Ok, end of my rant, I go sleep now. :v Bai gays.

Sorry for the off topic hard gms, wont do it again.

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was waiting to post again to test wednesday woe also , cause isnt good discute of things without try all:

we arleady have wednesday and saturday , wednesday where there are 2 castles and we can fight and competitive as owning want.(and we did fight as i said so stop little provokations)

istead saturday its competitive also cause we got 4 castles and guild compete for get castles more than fight. as th want and as its interess of others future guild , have chances to get castles.

competition.. i will explain this with 1 simply example.. olympic games got only 1 race? no , both fights in wednesday and rush of castle(hoa) in saturday are competitions.

we should talk about make woe better , but atm i think woe are cool as there are .

the tip i can give its to wait and see cause prolly some others guild will try to appear soon.

the sizes of woe atm are cool. 

about asians didnt show in woe ..the famous 80%.. we re talking of a server where its new and old players , where some donate and some other istead know to farm fast..atm only this two players are showing in woe.

 this server atm got 3/4 month? more or less.. u guys pretend newbies arleady play woe... give time to them to understand and learn. none start pro.





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Tho I wanted to wait too before I write more, but the only thing I had to say atm is, the woetime on Wednesday is (right now) terrible, at least for woe2.

Well as I said I would look how it is going but so far I don't feel like Wednesday gonna be the high party day woe wise. lel

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